- set down as a rule or guide
- 定められた / 処方された
- 〈守るべき規則・方針など〉‘を'『規定する』,『勧める』,指示する / 《『prescribe』+『名』〈人〉+『名』〈薬〉=『prescribe』+『名』+『for』+『名』》〈人〉‘に'〈薬〉‘を'処方する / 規定する,資示する / (病人・病気に対して)処方を書く
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English Journal
- A psychrotolerant strain of Serratia marcescens (MTCC 4822) produces laccase at wide temperature and pH range.
- Kaira GS1, Dhakar K, Pandey A.
- AMB Express.AMB Express.2015 Dec;5(1):92. doi: 10.1186/s13568-014-0092-1. Epub 2015 Jan 16.
- A psychrotolerant bacterial strain of Serratia marcescens, originally isolated from a glacial site in Indian Himalayan Region (IHR), has been investigated for laccase production under different culture conditions. The bacterial strain was found to grow between 4 to 45°C (opt. 25°C) and 3 to 14 pH
- PMID 26054732
- Eicosapentaenoic Acid as long-term secondary prevention after ischemic stroke.
- Nakase T1, Sasaki M, Suzuki A.
- Clinical and translational medicine.Clin Transl Med.2015 Dec;4(1):62. doi: 10.1186/s40169-015-0062-5. Epub 2015 Jun 11.
- BACKGROUND: It is sometimes difficult to choose anti-thrombotic agents for secondary prevention in stroke patients at high bleeding risk. Recently, Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) was reported to reduce the recurrence of stroke in hypercholesterolemic patients without increasing hemorrhagic risk. In thi
- PMID 26084813
- The influence of ethnicity on warfarin dosage requirements in the chilean population.
- Subiabre V1, Palomo I2, Guzmán N3, Retamales E4, Henríquez H5, Gonzalez L6.
- Current therapeutic research, clinical and experimental.Curr Ther Res Clin Exp.2015 Jan 8;77:31-4. doi: 10.1016/j.curtheres.2014.12.002. eCollection 2015.
- BACKGROUND: Vitamin K antagonists are drugs that are widely prescribed around the world and their use has helped improve the prognosis of patients with thromboembolic disease. However, a high interindividual variability has been observed in dosage requirements to reach the desired anticoagulation ra
- PMID 25709720
Japanese Journal
- 新規料理登録機能を持つ高齢者を対象にした栄養管理システムの開発と評価
- 川島 基子,吉野 孝,紀平 為子,伊井 みず穂,岡本 和士,江上 いすず,藤原 奈佳子,石川 豊美,入江 真行
- 情報処理学会論文誌 56(1), 171-184, 2015-01-15
- 日本には慢性疾患を持つ高齢者が多く,在宅で食事療法を行う場合がある.しかし,既存の食事調査法は記憶への依存が大きく,高齢者への継続的な食事調査の実施は困難である.そこで,高齢者と栄養士のための栄養管理システムを開発した.本システムは,多様な料理に対応するために,新規料理登録機能を持つ.平均年齢約70歳の被験者15名を対象に,本システムの評価実験を行った.システムの利用履歴とアンケートより,被験者1 …
- NAID 110009867100
- Influence of Pre-twist Distribution at the Rotor Blade Tip on Performance during Hovering Flight
- TAKEDA Shigeru,SUGIURA Masahiko,TANABE Yasutada [他]
- Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences 58(1), 39-44, 2015-01
- NAID 40020311826
- 宇野 公一郎(1950-)
- 東京女子大学紀要論集 64(2), 121-175, 20140313-00-00
- … I have translated and annotated the "Way of the Lese Majesty (Inzira y 'ikirogoto)" lines 181–199, in which the burial ritual of the cattle kings is summarized, and the "Way of the Watering (Inzira y 'ishoora)" lines 1–686, in which the renewal of the regalia is prescribed.Seen diachronically, the "Way of the Watering" ritual was part of the process uniting the funeral rite, which closed the older cycle of kings (Kigeri, Mibambwe, Yuhi, Mutara, for example) by burying the smoke-dried corpse of the former cattle king (Cyirima) who had guarded …
- NAID 120005524893
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- 命令する、指図する。規定する。(薬、療法などを)処方する
- 関
- (n.)prescription
- 関
- formulate、formulation、medication、prescription、Px、recipe