- 関
- premature aging、premature senility、presenility、progeria
- a rare abnormality marked by premature aging (grey hair and wrinkled skin and stooped posture) in a child
- born after a gestation period of less than the normal time; "a premature infant"
- uncommonly early or before the expected time; "illness led to his premature death"; "alcohol brought him to an untimely end" (同)untimely
- 時期尚早の,早すぎた / 早計の,早まった / 早産の
- 初老,老境
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- 1. 早期副腎皮質性第二次性徴 premature adrenarche
- 2. 心室性期外収縮 ventricular premature beats
- 3. 妊娠中期の前期破水による早産 midtrimester preterm premature rupture of membranes
- 4. 上室性期外収縮 supraventricular premature beats
- 5. 早産児の長期的合併症 long term complications of the premature infant
English Journal
- Transcriptional Regulation of the p16 Tumor Suppressor Gene.
- Kotake Y1, Naemura M2, Murasaki C2, Inoue Y2, Okamoto H2.
- Anticancer research.Anticancer Res.2015 Aug;35(8):4397-401.
- The p16 tumor suppressor gene encodes a specific inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) 4 and 6 and is found altered in a wide range of human cancers. p16 plays a pivotal role in tumor suppressor networks through inducing cellular senescence that acts as a barrier to cellular transformation by o
- PMID 26168478
- Premature Aging Phenotype in Mice Lacking High-Affinity Nicotinic Receptors: Region-Specific Changes in Layer V Pyramidal Cell Morphology.
- Konsolaki E1, Skaliora I1.
- Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991).Cereb Cortex.2015 Aug;25(8):2138-48. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhu019. Epub 2014 Feb 18.
- The mechanisms by which aging leads to alterations in brain structure and cognitive deficits are unclear. Α deficient cholinergic system has been implicated as one of the main factors that could confer a heightened vulnerability to the aging process, and mice lacking high-affinity nicotinic recepto
- PMID 24554727
- Truncated prelamin A expression in HGPS-like patients: a transcriptional study.
- Barthélémy F1, Navarro C1, Fayek R1, Da Silva N1, Roll P2, Sigaudy S2, Oshima J3, Bonne G4, Papadopoulou-Legbelou K5, Evangeliou AE5, Spilioti M6, Lemerrer M7, Wevers RA8, Morava E9, Robaglia-Schlupp A2, Lévy N2, Bartoli M2, De Sandre-Giovannoli A2.
- European journal of human genetics : EJHG.Eur J Hum Genet.2015 Aug;23(8):1051-61. doi: 10.1038/ejhg.2014.239. Epub 2015 Feb 4.
- Premature aging syndromes are rare genetic disorders mimicking clinical and molecular features of aging. A recently identified group of premature aging syndromes is linked to mutation of the LMNA gene encoding lamins A and C, and is associated with nuclear deformation and dysfunction. Hutchinson-Gil
- PMID 25649378
Japanese Journal
- Premature Cardiac Senescence in DahlS.Z-Lepr fa/Lepr fa Rats as a New Animal Model of Metabolic Syndrome
- Nagoya Journal of Medical Science 76(1-2), 35-49, 2014-02
- NAID 120005372264
- Role of DNA Damage in Cardiovascular Disease
- , , , ,
- Circulation Journal 78(1), 42-50, 2014
- … Patients with some progeroid syndromes, such as Werner syndrome, exhibit atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (CVD) at a young age as a manifestation of premature aging. …
- NAID 130003382191
- Branched-Chain Amino Acids Enhance Premature Senescence through Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Complex I-Mediated Upregulation of p21 Protein
- Nakano Masayuki,Nakashima Akio,Nagano Taiki,Ishikawa Shintaro,Kikkawa Ushio,Kamada Shinji
- PLoS ONE 8(11), e80411, 2013-11
- NAID 120005465549
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- このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10126/4613 タイトル: Occludin-mediated premature senescence is a fail-safe mechanism against tumorigenesis in breast carcinoma cells 著者: Osanai, Makoto
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- 関
- premature aging、premature senescence、premature senility、progeria
- 英
- premature aging、premature senescence
- 関
- 早老、早老症、成熟前老化
- 関
- premature senescence、presenility、progeria
- 英
- premature senescence
- 関
- 早老症、早期老化
- 早発、早発性の、早熟性の、成熟前の、未熟な、(遺伝子配列などで)中途での
- 関
- early-onset、halfway、immature、immaturity、midway、precocious、precocity、prematurely、untrained
- 関
- ageing、aging、biological aging、senescent、senile、senility