- born after a gestation period of less than the normal time; "a premature infant"
- uncommonly early or before the expected time; "illness led to his premature death"; "alcohol brought him to an untimely end" (同)untimely
- 時期尚早の,早すぎた / 早計の,早まった / 早産の
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English Journal
- Gene Expression Differences Between Offspring of Long-Lived Individuals and Controls in Candidate Longevity Regions: Evidence for PAPSS2 as a Longevity Gene.
- Yerges-Armstrong LM1, Chai S1, O'Connell JR1, Curran JE2, Blangero J2, Mitchell BD3, Shuldiner AR3, Damcott CM4.
- The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences.J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci.2016 Feb 19. pii: glv212. [Epub ahead of print]
- Although there is compelling evidence for a genetic contribution to longevity, identification of specific genes that robustly associate with longevity has been a challenge. In order to identify longevity-enhancing genes, we measured differential gene expression between offspring of long-lived Amish
- PMID 26896383
- Mutation detection of CYP21A2 gene in nonclassical congenital adrenal hyperplasia patients with premature pubarche.
- Kolahdouz M1, Hashemipour M2, Khanahmad H1, Rabbani B3, Salehi M1, Rabbani A4, Ansari A2, Naseri MM1.
- Advanced biomedical research.Adv Biomed Res.2016 Mar 16;5:33. doi: 10.4103/2277-9175.178794. eCollection 2016.
- BACKGROUND: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) due to mutations in the gene encoding 21-hydroxilase is one of common disease with an autosomal recessive form. In this study, our aim is to detect the prevalence of eight common mutations in nonclassical congenital adrenal hyperplasia (NCAH).MATERIAL
- PMID 27099846
- Nonclassic congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency: clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment, and outcome.
- Falhammar H1, Nordenström A.
- Endocrine.Endocrine.2015 Sep;50(1):32-50. doi: 10.1007/s12020-015-0656-0. Epub 2015 Jun 17.
- Nonclassic congenital adrenal hyperplasia (NCAH) is one of the most frequent autosomal recessive disorders in man with a prevalence ranging from 0.1 % in Caucasians up to a few percent in certain ethnic groups. Most cases are never diagnosed due to very mild symptoms, misdiagnosing as polycystic ova
- PMID 26082286
Japanese Journal
- Yagasaki H,Sano T,Mitsui Y,Mochizuki M,Ohyama K,Honma K,Hasegawa T,Nakagomi Y,Amemiya S,Nakazawa S
- Clinical pediatric endocrinology 12(2), 143, 2003-12
- NAID 110002984626
- D.婦人科疾患の診断・治療・管理 : 1. 内分泌疾患(研修医のための必修知識)
- 丸山 哲夫,吉村 泰典,間崎 和夫,平川 舜,綾部 琢哉
- 日本産科婦人科學會雜誌 55(1), N-3-N-22, 2003-01-01
- NAID 110002097832
- No association between body mass index and beta(3)-adrenergic receptor variant (W64R) in children with premature pubarche and adolescent girls with hyperandrogenism
Related Links
- Algorithm for Premature Pubarche Premature pubarche with virilization without virilization isolated DHEAS↑↑, Δ4A↑↑, 17OHP↑↑,T↑↑ Dexamethasone suppression test no suppression steroid-secreting tumor CT scan, MRI with other ...
- Premature pubarche is the untimely development of pubic hair and/or axillary (armpit) hair prior to 8 years of age in girls and prior to 9 years of age in boys. The most common cause of premature pubarche is early ...
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- 英
- premature pubarche
- 同
- 陰毛早発症
- 関
- 部分性早発思春期
- 英
- premature pubarche
- 関
- 思春期早発症
- 早発、早発性の、早熟性の、成熟前の、未熟な、(遺伝子配列などで)中途での
- 関
- early-onset、halfway、immature、immaturity、midway、precocious、precocity、prematurely、untrained