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- polytypic
English Journal
- Extramedullary plasmacytoma of the thyroid, associated with follicular colonization and stromal deposition of polytypic immunoglobulins and major histocompatibility antigens. Possible categorization in MALT lymphoma.
- Aihara H1, Tsutsumi Y, Ishikawa H.
- Acta pathologica japonica.Acta Pathol Jpn.1992 Sep;42(9):672-83.
- A 78-year-old woman complaining of a neck mass underwent right hemithyroidectomy. The 7 x 6 cm thyroid tumor consisted predominantly of mildly atypical, epithelial membrane antigen-positive plasma cells and scattered lymphoid follicles. Features of follicular colonization (plasma cell infiltration i
- PMID 1476063
- Immunochemical demonstration of J chain: a marker of B-cell malignancy.
- Isaacson P.
- Journal of clinical pathology.J Clin Pathol.1979 Aug;32(8):802-7.
- Many B-cell lymphomas can be shown to contain cytoplasmic immunoglobulin which is characteristically monotypic with respect to light chains. In Hodgkin's disease, however, the Reed-Sternberg cells have been shown to contain both immunoglobulin light chains. This finding, which is also present in som
- PMID 117027
- Anomolous staining patterns in immunohistologic studies of malignant lymphoma.
- Isaacson P, Wright DH.
- The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society.J Histochem Cytochem.1979 Aug;27(8):1197-9.
- A number of immunoperoxidase studies of malignant lymphomas have reported polytypic light chain staining of neoplastic cells, thus bringing into question the concept that the monoclonality of B cell lymphomas is reflected in their synthesis of monotypic light chain. In this study of a large number o
- PMID 90079
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- CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): . This paper presents a polytypic implementation of memo functions that are based on digital search trees. A memo function can be seen as the ...
- CiteSeerX - Scientific documents that cite the following paper: Memo functions, polytypically ... Abstract. We define representations of continuous functions on infinite streams of discrete values, both in the case of discrete-valued ...
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- polymorphic、polymorphism、polytype、polytypically
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- polytypic、polytypically
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- 多型、多型性