- deck with a plume; "a plumed helmet"
- anything that resembles a feather in shape or lightness; "a plume of smoke"; "grass with large plumes"
- form a plume; "The chimneys were pluming the sky"; "The engine was pluming black smoke"
- a feather or cluster of feathers worn as an ornament
- any of numerous biennial to perennial herbs with handsome purple or yellow or occasionally white flower heads (同)plumed thistle
- herb of China and Japan widely cultivated for its plumelike panicles of creamy white flowers (同)bocconia, Macleaya cordata
- tall grass of New Zealand grown for plumelike flower heads (同)toe toe, toetoe, Cortaderia richardii, Arundo richardii
- Mexican shrub often cultivated for its scarlet-bracted flowers (同)Euphorbia fulgens
- a kind of scorpionfish (同)Scorpaena grandicornis
- any of several trees producing edible oval fruit having a smooth skin and a single hard stone (同)plum tree
- a highly desirable position or assignment; "a political plum"
- any of numerous varieties of small to medium-sized round or oval fruit having a smooth skin and a single pit
- having or covered with or abounding in plumes; "the plumed serpent"; "white-plumed egrets" (同)plumy
- 《複数形で》(特に大きくて目立つ装飾用の)『羽毛』羽毛飾り,(帽子などの)前立(まえだて) / 大きな羽毛に似た形の物;水柱,煙など《+『of』+『名』》 / …‘を'羽毛で飾る / (くちばしで)〈羽毛〉‘を'整える
- 〈C〉『西洋スモモ』;西洋スモモの木 / 〈C〉(プティング・パイなどに入れる)干しぶどう / 〈U〉(西洋スモモに似た)濃紫色 / 〈C〉《話》(人が)手に入れたがるもの(もうけ仕事など) / 濃紫色の,スモモ色した
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/05/18 15:34:26」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
この項目では、声優ユニットについて記述しています。ドイツの都市については「プリュム」をご覧ください。 |
Plume |
基本情報 |
出身地 |
日本 |
活動期間 |
2006年 - 2009年 (活動休止中) |
レーベル |
ランティス |
公式サイト |
(公式ブログ) |
メンバー |
遠藤綾 |
- 1 メンバー
- 2 ディスコグラフィ
- 3 出演
- 4 外部リンク
メンバー [編集]
- 河原木志穂(愛称:しほりゅむ)
- 水野愛日(愛称:まなびりゅむ)
- 遠藤綾(愛称:あやりゅむ)
ディスコグラフィ [編集]
インディーズ [編集]
- Plume in Wonderland(2007年7月30日発売)
- Story(2007年12月8日発売)
メジャー [編集]
- 君と夢とアンブレラ(2008年5月9日発売、ランティス)
出演 [編集]
インターネットラジオ [編集]
- Plume物語 〜お茶の時間〜(2006年11月22日 - 2008年6月7日、アニたま電波局)
- Plume物語 〜Royal Plume Tea〜(2007年12月29日 - 2008年6月7日、ランティスネットラジオ)
外部リンク [編集]
- プリュム物語~つづく…(公式ブログ)
- Plume物語 〜Royal Plume Tea〜
- Plume物語 〜お茶の時間〜
[Wiki en表示]
Plume may refer to:
Science [edit]
- Plume (hydrodynamics), the form of effluent in water or emissions in air
- Eruption column, or volcanic plume, a column of volcanic ash and gas emitted into the atmosphere during an eruption
- Mantle plume, an upwelling of hot rock within the Earth's mantle that can cause volcanic hotspots
- Plumage, the layer of feathers that cover a bird
- Plume (feather), a prominent bird feather
Entertainment [edit]
- Plume (publisher), an American book publishing company
- Plume Latraverse (born 1946), Canadian singer, musician, and writer
- "Plume" (Air episode), a 2005 episode of the Japanese anime Air
- Plumes, a 1924 novel by Laurence Stallings
- A 2006 album by Loscil
- A song by The Smashing Pumpkins on their album Pisces Iscariot
- Plume as a social networking program on the Itunes Apple Store or the Play Store.
Other uses [edit]
- Hackle, an ornamental plume on a uniform headdress
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English Journal
- Dispersion of Fukushima radionuclides in the global atmosphere and the ocean.
- Povinec PP, Gera M, Holý K, Hirose K, Lujaniené G, Nakano M, Plastino W, Sýkora I, Bartok J, Gažák M.SourceDepartment of Nuclear Physics and Biophysics, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University, 84248 Bratislava, Slovakia. Electronic address: povinec@fmph.uniba.sk.
- Applied radiation and isotopes : including data, instrumentation and methods for use in agriculture, industry and medicine.Appl Radiat Isot.2013 Nov;81:383-92. doi: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2013.03.058. Epub 2013 Apr 9.
- Large quantities of radionuclides were released in March-April 2011 during the accident of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant to the atmosphere and the ocean. Atmospheric and marine modeling has been carried out to predict the dispersion of radionuclides worldwide, to compare the predicted a
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- Glavič-Cindro D, Benedik L, Kožar Logar J, Vodenik B, Zorko B.SourceJožef Stefan Institute, Jamova cesta 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. Electronic address: denis.cindro@ijs.si.
- Applied radiation and isotopes : including data, instrumentation and methods for use in agriculture, industry and medicine.Appl Radiat Isot.2013 Nov;81:374-8. doi: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2013.03.077. Epub 2013 Apr 2.
- After the Fukushima accident aerosol and rain water samples collected within regular national monitoring programmes were carefully analysed. In rain water samples, aerosol and iodine filters collected in the second half of March and in April 2011 I-131, Cs-134 and Cs-137 were detected. In May 2011 t
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- Why do the Abundances of Ions Generated by MALDI Look Thermally Determined?
- Bae YJ, Choe JC, Moon JH, Kim MS.SourceDepartment of Chemistry, Seoul National University, Seoul, 151-747, Korea.
- Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry.J Am Soc Mass Spectrom.2013 Nov;24(11):1807-1815. Epub 2013 Aug 29.
- In a previous study (J. Mass Spectrom. 48, 299-305, 2013), we observed that the abundance of each ion in a matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) spectrum looked thermally determined. To find out the explanation for the phenomenon, we estimated the ionization efficiency and the reaction
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- Mercury and selenium biomagnification in a Brazilian coastal food web using nitrogen stable isotope analysis: A case study in an area under the influence of the Paraiba do Sul River plume.
- Kehrig HA, Seixas TG, Malm O, Di Beneditto AP, Rezende CE.SourceLaboratório de Radioisótopos Eduardo Penna Franca, IBCCF, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 21941-902 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil; Laboratório de Ciências Ambientais, CBB, Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense, 28013-602 Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, Brazil. Electronic address: helena.kehrig@pq.cnpq.br.
- Marine pollution bulletin.Mar Pollut Bull.2013 Oct 15;75(1-2):283-290. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2013.06.046. Epub 2013 Jul 17.
- Mercury (Hg), selenium (Se) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotope were assessed in a tropical food web of Rio de Janeiro's north coast. Isotopic data on muscle suggest a difference related to this parameter along the food web; where top-predators (cetacean and voracious fish) displayed heavier δ15N o
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Japanese Journal
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- Yoshimitsu Yuki,Ichiki Ryuta,Kasamura Kotaro,Yoshida Masashi,Akamine Shuichi,Kanazawa Seiji
- Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54(3), 030302, 2015-02-03
- … Atmospheric-pressure-plasma nitriding of titanium alloy Ti–6Al–4V has been achieved by using a pulsed-arc plasma jet with a N<inf>2</inf>/H<inf>2</inf>gas mixture, where the plasma jet plume is sprayed onto the titanium surface under atmospheric pressure. …
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- A layered model approach for simulating high river discharge events from land to the ocean
- Kida Shinichiro,Yamashiki Yosuke A.
- Journal of oceanography 71(1), 125-132, 2015-02
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- 複合型曝気循環装置の強制水循環に関する実地調査実験:-浅層の水温躍層破壊過程と循環構造の可視化-
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- 可視化情報学会論文集 35(5), 7-15, 2015
- 京都府内の日吉ダムでは、貯水池深層への酸素供給と浅層の水温躍層解消のため、複合型の曝気循環装置が導入され、2011年8月、その装置による水温躍層の解消効果を確認する実地調査実験が実施された。実験では、曝気循環装置の近傍で、水温と流れの分布が高い空間・時間分解能で直接計測され、さらに、ビデオカメラによって深層から連行される濁水の映像が撮影された。これらのデータを分析することによって、浅層の水温躍層が …
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- RADIOISOTOPES 64(3), 185-195, 2015
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