- 関
- acceptable、allowable、tolerable
- that may be accepted or conceded; "a kind of speculation that was permissible in cosmology but inadmissible in medicine"
- that may be permitted especially as according to rule; "permissible behavior in school"; "a permissible tax deduction" (同)allowable
- worthy of acceptance or satisfactory; "acceptable levels of radiation"; "performances varied from acceptable to excellent"
- adequate for the purpose; "the water was acceptable for drinking"
- judged to be in conformity with approved usage; "acceptable English usage"
- capable of being borne or endured; "the climate is at least tolerable"
- deserving to be allowed or considered
- deductible according to the tax laws
- not permitted; "impermissible behavior"
- not allowable
- 許すことのできる,差し支えない
- 受け入れられる,認められる;人に喜ばれる
- がまんできる,耐えられる / 相当の;まあまあの
- 許される
- 許せない
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English Journal
- Health Professions Education Research and the Institutional Review Board.
- Heflin MT1, DeMeo S, Nagler A, Hockenberry MJ.
- Nurse educator.Nurse Educ.2016 Nov 25. [Epub ahead of print]
- The growth in health professions education (HPE) and a desire on the part of nurse and medical educators to disseminate their work have raised important questions about the ethical conduct of education research. At the center of the debate is the institutional review board (IRB) and its proper role
- PMID 26501395
- PMID 26595223
- What roles do middle managers play in implementation of innovative practices?
- Engle RL1, Lopez ER, Gormley KE, Chan JA, Charns MP, Lukas CV.
- Health care management review.Health Care Manage Rev.2016 Oct 20. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Middle managers play key roles in hospitals as the bridge between senior leaders and frontline staff. Yet relatively little research has focused on their role in implementing new practices.PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to expand the understanding of middle managers' influence in org
- PMID 26488239
- Detection of meat-borne trimethylamine based on nanoporous colorimetric sensor arrays.
- Xiao-Wei H1, Zhi-Hua L1, Xiao-Bo Z2, Ji-Yong S1, Han-Ping M1, Jie-Wen Z1, Li-Min H3, Holmes M4.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2016 Apr 15;197(Pt A):930-6. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.11.041. Epub 2015 Nov 11.
- Trimethylamine (TMA) is a key measurement indicator for meat spoilage. In order to develop simple, cheap, and sensitive sensors for TMA detection, a nanoporous colorimetric sensor array (NCSA) was developed. A sol-gel method has been used to obtain TiO2 nanoporous film as substrate material to impro
- PMID 26617036
Japanese Journal
- A possible role of neuroglobin in the retina after optic nerve injury: A comparative study of zebrafish and mouse retina
- Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 854, 671-675, 2016-10-01
- NAID 120005682638
- 変動電源のシステムコスト : もうただ乗りは許されない
- Ατομοσ : journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan = アトモス : 日本原子力学会誌 58(2), 102-105, 2016-02
- NAID 40020730976
- Optimal Selection of an Inertial Sensor for Cycle Slip Detection Considering Single-frequency RTK/INS Integrated Navigation
- NAID 130005159326
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- permissible 【形】許容される、容認できる 【反】impermissible - アルクがお届けする進化するオンライン英和・和英辞書データベース。一般的な単語や連語から、イディオム、専門用語、スラングまで幅広く収録。
- permissibleとは。意味や和訳。[形]((形式))〈言動が〉許される,さしつかえない(allowable), 許容…;(…に)許された((to ...)).per・mìs・si・bíl・i・ty[名] per・mis・si・bly[副] - 40万項目以上収録、例文・コロケーションが豊富な無料英和 ...
- per·mis·si·ble (pər-mĭs′ə-bəl) adj. Permitted; allowable: permissible tax deductions; permissible behavior in school. per·mis′si·bil′i·ty, per·mis′si·ble·ness n. per·mis′si·bly adv. permissible (pəˈmɪsəbəl) adj 1. permitted; allowable ...
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- (決定などが)(特に優れていないが)(~にとって)受諾しうる、(一応)満足できる、無難な、まずまずの(passable)(to)
- (人・物が)(~にとって)好ましい(pleasing)(to)
- (言語)容認可能な
- 我慢できる、耐えられる
- 関
- amenable、permissible、tolerable
redirect 容認できる
- 関
- acceptable、allowable、permissible
- 英
- acceptable、tolerable、permissible
- 関
- 耐えられる、受け入れられる、許容できる
- 英
- tolerable、allowable、permissible
- 関
- 耐えられる、許容可能、容認できる
- 関
- permissible、tolerable
- 関
- permissible dose
- 関
- maximum permissible dose