- give a permanent wave to; "She perms her hair"
- 《英話》〈髪〉‘に'パーマをかける / =permanent wave
- (サッカーなどの賭けで)多額の配当金・賞金をねらって可能性のあるチーム名を組み合わせること / 《英話》(多額の賞金をねらって)(…から)〈チーム名〉‘を'選び組み合わせる《+『名』+『from』+『名』》
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/05/21 01:32:12」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
‰ |
Per mil
Punctuation |
apostrophe |
’ ' |
brackets |
[ ] ( ) { } ⟨ ⟩ |
colon |
: |
comma |
, ، 、 |
dash |
‒ – — ― |
ellipsis |
… ... . . . |
exclamation mark |
! |
full stop, period |
. |
hyphen |
‐ |
hyphen-minus |
- |
question mark |
? |
quotation marks |
‘ ’ “ ” ' ' " " |
semicolon |
; |
slash, stroke, solidus |
/ ⁄ |
Word dividers |
interpunct |
· |
space |
General typography |
ampersand |
& |
asterisk |
* |
at sign |
@ |
backslash |
\ |
bullet |
• |
caret |
^ |
dagger |
† ‡ |
degree |
° |
ditto mark |
″ |
inverted exclamation mark |
¡ |
inverted question mark |
¿ |
number sign, pound, hash, octothorpe |
# |
numero sign |
№ |
obelus |
÷ |
ordinal indicator |
º ª |
percent, per mil |
% ‰ |
plus and minus |
+ − |
basis point |
‱ |
pilcrow |
¶ |
prime |
′ ″ ‴ |
section sign |
§ |
tilde |
~ |
underscore, understrike |
_ |
vertical bar, pipe, broken bar |
| ‖ ¦ |
Intellectual property |
copyright |
© |
sound-recording copyright |
℗ |
registered trademark |
® |
service mark |
℠ |
trademark |
™ |
Uncommon typography |
asterism |
⁂ |
hedera |
❧ |
index, fist |
☞ |
interrobang |
‽ |
irony punctuation |
lozenge |
◊ |
reference mark |
※ |
tie |
⁀ |
Related |
In other scripts |
- Chinese
- Hebrew
- Japanese
- Korean
A per mil, per mille, or per mill (permil or permille) (Latin, literally meaning 'for (every) thousand') is a tenth of a percent or one part per thousand. It is written with U+2030 ‰ per mille sign (HTML: ‰
) (Windows: ALT+0137), which looks like a percent sign (%) with an extra zero at the end. It can be seen as a stylized form of the three zeros in the denominator, although it originates from an alteration of the percent sign.
A railroad distance sign in the Czech Republic with a 20‰ grade, which equates to 2%
The term occurs so rarely in English that major dictionaries do not agree on the spelling or pronunciation (even within one dialect of English) and often do not list the other variants or do not even have an entry (for example Longman, and Macmillan).[1][2][3][4][5] The term is very common in most other languages, for example in expressing blood alcohol content, usually[6] expressed in percentage terms in English-speaking countries.
A per mil is defined as:
- 1‰ = 10−3= 1⁄1000 = 0.001 = 0.1%
- 1% = 10‰
A per mil should not be confused with ppm (commonly pronounced "parts per million"). A measurement in ppm means parts per million, and has as its denominator 1,000,000 and not 1,000.
Examples of common use include:
- legal limits of blood-alcohol content for driving a road vehicle in some countries: for example: 0.6‰ or 0.2‰.
- seawater salinity: for example: "the average salinity is 35‰".
- tunnel and railway gradients (in some countries in Europe)
- birth and death rates
- baseball batting averages (colloquially)
- property taxation rates: the millage rate (U.S.) or mill rate (Canada)
- expressing stable-isotope ratios - for example: "δ13C was measured at −3.5‰"
- expressing costs for print and online advertisements which are commonly sold at cost per mille (CPM); this is the common unit for all banner and display advertising
- frequently used by email service providers to denominate the cost for 1,000 emails delivered as a cost per mille (CPM)
Related units
- Percentage point
- Percent (%) 1 part in 100
- Basis point (‱) 1 part in 10,000
- Parts-per notation
- ^ "Per mill - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary". Merriam-webster.com. Retrieved 2012-08-31.
- ^ "per mil - Dictionary definition and pronunciation - Yahoo! Education". Education.yahoo.com. Retrieved 2012-08-31.
- ^ "Definition of per mille - Oxford Dictionaries (British & World English)". Oxford Dictionaries. Retrieved 2012-08-31.
- ^ "per mille adverb - definition in Business English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary Online". Dictionary.cambridge.org. 2012-08-16. Retrieved 2012-08-31.
- ^ "Definition of per mil". Collins English Dictionary. Retrieved 2012-08-31.
- ^ "The official New Zealand road code - About limits". Nzta.govt.nz. 2011-10-07. Retrieved 2012-08-31.
English Journal
- An iron stable isotope comparison between human erythrocytes and plasma.
- von Blanckenburg F1, Oelze M, Schmid DG, van Zuilen K, Gschwind HP, Slade AJ, Stitah S, Kaufmann D, Swart P.
- Metallomics : integrated biometal science.Metallomics.2014 Nov;6(11):2052-61. doi: 10.1039/c4mt00124a.
- We present precise iron stable isotope ratios measured by multicollector-ICP mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS) of human red blood cells (erythrocytes) and blood plasma from 12 healthy male adults taken during a clinical study. The accurate determination of stable isotope ratios in plasma first required
- PMID 25017012
- Natural variations of lithium isotopes in a mammalian model.
- Balter V1, Vigier N.
- Metallomics : integrated biometal science.Metallomics.2014 Mar;6(3):582-6. doi: 10.1039/c3mt00295k. Epub 2014 Jan 13.
- Despite lithium's extensive clinical applications, the cellular and molecular basis for the therapeutic effects remains to be elucidated. The large difference in mass between the two lithium isotopes ((6)Li and (7)Li) has prompted biochemists to explore the metabolism of Li by using pure (6)Li and (
- PMID 24419487
- Platinum stable isotope analysis of geological standard reference materials by double-spike MC-ICPMS.
- Creech JB1, Baker JA2, Handler MR3, Bizzarro M4.
- Chemical geology.Chem Geol.2014 Jan 10;363:293-300.
- We report a method for the chemical purification of Pt from geological materials by ion-exchange chromatography for subsequent Pt stable isotope analysis by multiple-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICPMS) using a 196Pt-198Pt double-spike to correct for instrumental mass bi
- PMID 25684781
Japanese Journal
- 仙台平野における歴史津波堆積物の放射性炭素年代測定:―連続土壌堆積物試料HSシリーズの堆積年代(予察的分析)―
- 渡邊 隆広,細田 憲弘,土屋 範芳 [他],中村 俊夫,平野 伸夫,岡本 敦,奈良 郁子, 東北大学歴史津波調査グループ
- 地学雑誌 123(6), 904-922, 2014
- … Total organic carbon contents of plant residues range from 45.9 to 54.5 wt.% (50.4 wt.% on average) and their stable carbon isotope ratios range from -25.1 to -30.1 permil (vs. PDB), which are consistent with the ratios of modern terrestrial C3 plants. …
- NAID 130004813835
- 牛久保 孝行,木村 眞,テナー トラビス J.,中嶋 大輔,バレー ジョン W.,木多 紀子
- 日本地球化学会年会要旨集 59(0), 281, 2012
- 最も始原的な炭素質コンドライト隕石の一つであるAcfer 094のコンドルールの酸素同位体比分析を行った。ほとんどのコンドルールはDelta-17Oで-2パーミルか-5パーミルという値を示した。また、Mg#と酸素同位体比に相関が見られた。
- NAID 130004593692
- CAMECA IMS 1280-HRによる硫黄4同位体比の高精度測定
- 石川 真起志
- 日本地球化学会年会要旨集 59(0), 127, 2012
- … その結果、黄鉄鉱試料測定時にδ34S, δ33Sで0.2 permilの、δ36Sで0.3 permilの精度(1σ)を達成した。 …
- NAID 130004593522
Related Links
- The latest Tweets from permil (@permil): "I've never studied English during the summer vacation and have forgotten it entirely." ... エンジニアに作業中話しかけていいタイミングを聞いたら大体こんな感じだったんだけど、プログラムに限らず ...
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