- traveling especially on foot; "peripatetic country preachers"; "a poor wayfaring stranger" (同)wayfaring
- a person who walks from place to place
- 婦き回る,あちこちへ移る,巡回の
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Look up Peripatetic or peripatetic in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Peripatetic may refer to:
- Peripatetic school, a school of philosophy in Ancient Greece
- Peripatetic axiom
- Nomad#Peripatetic minorities, a member of a community of people who move from one place to another
- Peripatetic Jats
English Journal
- Using sensor networks to study the effect of peripatetic healthcare workers on the spread of hospital-associated infections.
- Hornbeck T, Naylor D, Segre AM, Thomas G, Herman T, Polgreen PM.SourceDepartment of Computer Science.
- The Journal of infectious diseases.J Infect Dis.2012 Nov;206(10):1549-57. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jis542. Epub 2012 Oct 8.
- Background. Super-spreading events, in which an individual with measurably high connectivity is responsible for infecting a large number of people, have been observed. Our goal is to determine the impact of hand hygiene noncompliance among peripatetic (eg, highly mobile or highly connected) health
- PMID 23045621
- Benefits of a peripatetic port mentor.
- Butler K.AbstractMentors play a crucial role in helping student nurses to develop their knowledge and skills, yet the quality of mentoring can be inconsistent. Peripatetic mentor support could promote consistency in placement learning by helping to bridge some gaps between clinical staff and universities. This article describes the introduction of a new role--peripatetic support mentor--and its benefits.
- Nursing times.Nurs Times.2012 Aug 21-Sep 3;108(34-35):23-5.
- Mentors play a crucial role in helping student nurses to develop their knowledge and skills, yet the quality of mentoring can be inconsistent. Peripatetic mentor support could promote consistency in placement learning by helping to bridge some gaps between clinical staff and universities. This artic
- PMID 22953422
- A centralised respiratory diagnostic service for primary care: a 4-year audit.
- Starren ES, Roberts NJ, Tahir M, O'Byrne L, Haffenden R, Patel IS, Partridge MR.SourceImperial College London, NHLI Division at Charing Cross Hospital, London, UK.
- Primary care respiratory journal : journal of the General Practice Airways Group.Prim Care Respir J.2012 Jun;21(2):180-6. doi: 10.4104/pcrj.2012.00013.
- BACKGROUND: The literature shows that delayed or erroneous diagnosis of respiratory conditions may be common in primary care due to underuse of spirometry or poor spirometric technique. The Community Respiratory Assessment Unit (CRAU) was established to optimise diagnosis and treatment of respirator
- PMID 22430040
Japanese Journal
- 一二世紀スカンディナヴィア世界における「宣教大司教座」としてのルンド
- 「明治九年丙子 枝校巡回日記」を読む--明治初期の学校運営と地域の学事関係者の対応
- ペリパトス学派と哲学史の誕生 : アリストテレスにおける『形而上学』A巻のタレス像を巡って
- 逍遥者から見た風景の変容--"Natural History of German Life"論考
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- peripateticの意味は?goo辞書は無料で使える日本最大級の辞書サービスです。国語辞典、英和辞典、和英辞典、類語辞典、中国語辞典、百科事典などを提供しています。
- peripateticとは。意味や和訳。((形式))[形]1 (仕事で)歩き回る,巡回する;行商の.2 各地を旅行して回る.3 ((P-))アリストテレス[ペリパトス,逍遥(しょうよう)]学派の. [名]1 歩き回る人;行商人.2 ((~s))あちこち旅行して回ること.3 ...
- peripatetic (ˌpɛrɪpəˈtɛtɪk) —adj 1. itinerant 2. (Brit) employed in two or more educational establishments and travelling from one to another: a peripatetic football coach —n 3. a peripatetic person [C16: from Latin peripatēticus, from Greek ...
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