- traveling (especially on foot)
- vigorous deciduous European treelike shrub common along waysides; red berries turn black (同)twist wood, twistwood, Viburnum lantana
- 旅をして歩く,徒歩旅行の
English Journal
- Autobiologies on YouTube: Narratives of Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing.
- Harris A1, Kelly SE2, Wyatt S1.
- New genetics and society.New Genet Soc.2014 Mar;33(1):60-78. Epub 2014 Mar 7.
- Despite a growing personal genomics market, little is known about how people engage with the possibilities offered by direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic testing. In order to help address this gap, this study deploys narrative analysis of YouTube videos posted by individuals who have purchased DTC gene
- PMID 24772003
- Responsiveness of Viburnum lantana L. to tropospheric ozone: field evidence under contrasting site conditions in Trentino, northern Italy.
- Gottardini E1, Cristofori A, Cristofolini F, Bussotti F, Ferretti M.
- Journal of environmental monitoring : JEM.J Environ Monit.2010 Dec;12(12):2237-43. doi: 10.1039/c0em00299b. Epub 2010 Sep 28.
- Specific visible foliar injuries were demonstrated to occur on plants of Viburnum lantana L. (wayfaring tree) when exposed to ozone in open-top chamber experiments. However, although evidence of visible injury was reported even for native plants, no comprehensive testing has been carried out under r
- PMID 20877876
- The effect of head-related transfer function measurement methodology on localization performance in spatial audio interfaces.
- MacDonald JA1, Tran PK.
- Human factors.Hum Factors.2008 Apr;50(2):256-63.
- OBJECTIVE: Four head-related transfer function (HRTF) data sets were compared to determine the effect of HRTF measurement methodology on the localization of spatialized auditory stimuli.BACKGROUND: Spatial audio interfaces typically require HRTF data sets to generate the spatialized auditory stimuli
- PMID 18516836
Japanese Journal
- ワーズワスの旅 : Sweet Wayfaring/Sweet Return
- 書評 Patrick D. Murphy, A Place for Wayfaring: The Poetry and Prose of Gary Snyder
- Wayfaring Holy Men and Medieval Society : A Study of the Ippen Hijiri E
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