English Journal
- In vitro models of viral-induced congenital deafness.
- Davis GL.AbstractCytomegalovirus (CMV) infects 1 to 2 percent of liveborn infants in the United States and causes varying degrees of perceptive hearing loss. There are eight reported pathologic studies of temporal bones in CMV-infected neonates. Viral replication occurs in nonsensory endolabyrinthine epithelium, but viral antigen is also found in the organ of Corti and spiral ganglion neurons, and CMV has been cultured from perilymph. Further clinicopathologic correlation is frustrated, since the inner ear cannot be biopsied during life, and the number of temporal bones available for study is limited, owing to the decrease in the number of autopsies being performed. Inoculation of CMV into newborn mice, and extracorporeal preparations of mouse and guinea pig fetal inner ears, either in organ culture or as grafts on chick chorioallantoic membranes, yields viral perilabyrinthitis. The different ultrastructural appearances of CMV replicating in epithelial and mesenchymal cells show that animal CMV replicates in mesenchymal cells and human CMV replicates in epithelial cells of the inner ear. These different ultrastructural patterns indicate that the chromophobe (transitional) cells of the stria vascularis of the guinea pig are of mesenchymal origin.
- The American journal of otology.Am J Otol.1981 Oct;3(2):156-60.
- Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infects 1 to 2 percent of liveborn infants in the United States and causes varying degrees of perceptive hearing loss. There are eight reported pathologic studies of temporal bones in CMV-infected neonates. Viral replication occurs in nonsensory endolabyrinthine epithelium, but
- PMID 6272579
Japanese Journal
- 鵜山 義治
- 岡山医学会雑誌 45(10), 2531-2535, 1933-10-31
- … der Perilabyrinthitis erscheinen, und bei dem anderen Fall die Entwicklung und Erkrankung der hinter dem oberen Bogengang tiefgelegenen Zellen, und zwar die Entstehung des epiduralen Abszesses an diesem Teil. …
- NAID 120003037652
- 迷路周圍炎ト誤ラレタル急性乳嘴突起炎兼内耳黴毒ノ一例
- 木村 義國
- 日本医科大学雑誌 3(10), 863-872, 1932
- Der Verfasser berichtet ueber einen Fall, der wegen der heftigen Otalgie und des starken Sehwindelgefuehls unsere Poliklinik besuchte. Die Kranke ist eine Frau von 18 Jahre. Sie hat seit lange an der …
- NAID 130003917370
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- Perilabyrinthitis definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now! Added to Favorites Dictionary Thesaurus Word Dynamo Quotes Reference Translator Spanish n. ...
- perilabyrinthitis /peri·lab·y·rin·thi·tis/ (-lab″ĭ-rin-thi´tis) circumscribed labyrinthitis. per·i·lab·y·rin·thi·tis (p r-l b-r n-th t s) n. Inflammation of the parts about the labyrinth of the ear. perilabyrinthitis perilabyrinthitis Inflammation of the ...
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- 英
- paralabyrinthitis, perilabyrinthitis
- 関
- 内耳炎