- located around the heart or relating to or affecting the pericardium; "pericardial space" (同)pericardiac
- 排水,水抜き / 排水装置,排水路,下水路 / 下水,汚水
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- 1. 心嚢液貯留の診断および治療 diagnosis and treatment of pericardial effusion
- 2. 悪性腫瘍関連心膜疾患 pericardial disease associated with malignancy
- 3. 心タンポナーデ cardiac tamponade
- 4. 化膿性心膜炎 purulent pericarditis
- 5. 急性心膜炎の臨床症状および診断的評価 clinical presentation and diagnostic evaluation of acute pericarditis
English Journal
- Surgery for pericardial disease.
- Cho YH, Schaff HV.SourceDivision of Cardiovascular Surgery, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, 200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN, 55905, USA.
- Heart failure reviews.Heart Fail Rev.2013 May;18(3):375-87. doi: 10.1007/s10741-012-9338-7.
- The pericardium is an important structure, and there are many diseases that affect the pericardium and the heart. Often, surgery is required for drainage or removal of the pericardium, but techniques are not standardized, and there is controversy, especially with regard to treatment of constrictive
- PMID 22893247
- Epicardial halo phenomenon: a guide for pericardiocentesis?
- Ristić AD, Wagner HJ, Maksimović R, Maisch B.SourceDepartment of Cardiology, Belgrade University School of Medicine and Clinical Center of Serbia, Koste Todorovića 8, 11000, Belgrade, Serbia, arsen.ristic@med.bg.ac.rs.
- Heart failure reviews.Heart Fail Rev.2013 May;18(3):307-16. doi: 10.1007/s10741-012-9326-y.
- The epicardial halo delineates the heart shadow in fluoroscopy. To establish whether the sign is applicable to pericardiocentesis guidance, three investigators evaluated its intensity as absent = grade 0, indistinct = 0.5, clear = 1, intensive = 2 in posterior-anterior (PA) and lateral fluor
- PMID 22648151
Japanese Journal
- 左肺上葉切除後翌日に心タンポナーデをきたした1例:至適な左上肺静脈切離ラインに関する考察
- 癌性心膜炎による心タンポナーデを発症した胃癌術後再発の1例
Related Links
- How It Is Done A diagnostic pericardial drainage is usually done in a cardiac procedure room. If the drainage is being done to relieve pressure on the heart, it may be done in an emergency room or in your hospital room. This ...
- Pericardial Drainage is a cardiac procedure used the determine the cause of fluid buildup surrounding the heart and relieve potentially dangerous pressure. ... A Pericardial Drainage may be performed: To alleviate pressure on the heart
- 関
- cardiac sac、pericardium