- provide with a patch; also used metaphorically; "The field was patched with snow"
- mend by putting a patch on; "patch a hole" (同)patch up
- a piece of cloth used as decoration or to mend or cover a hole
- a short set of commands to correct a bug in a computer program
- to join or unite the pieces of; "patch the skirt" (同)piece
- exactly suited to the occasion; "a pat reply"
- the sound made by a gentle blow (同)rap, tap
- completely or perfectly; "he has the lesson pat"; "had the system down pat"
- impose or inflict forcefully; "The military government clamped a curfew onto the capital"
- a device (generally used by carpenters) that holds things firmly together (同)clinch
- fasten or fix with a clamp; "clamp the chair together until the glue has hardened"
- the act of making a record (especially an audio record); "she watched the recording from a sound-proof booth" (同)transcription
- a signal that encodes something (e.g., picture or sound) that has been recorded
- a storage device on which information (sounds or images) have been recorded
- gather clams, by digging in the sand by the ocean
- burrowing marine mollusk living on sand or mud; the shell closes with viselike firmness
- flesh of either hard-shell or soft-shell clams
- (補修・補強のための)『つぎ当て』;当て布;当て板,当て金;(アップリケで縫いつけた)布切れ / (傷口などを覆う)『傷当て』 / (色などが周囲と区別できる)(…の)まだら,班点;断片,破片《+『of』+『名』》 / 小さな地面(畑) / (補修・補強のために)…‘に'『つぎ当てる』;(装飾のために)…‘に'当て布をする / …‘を'つぎ合わせて作る
- (愛情・賞賛などを表して手のひらで)…‘を'『軽くたたく』,ポンとたたく / (へらなどで)(…の形に)…‘を'軽くたたいて整える《+『名』+『into』+『名』》 / 『軽くたたくこと』 / その音 / (バターなどの)小さいかたまり《+『of』+『名』》
- きっちりした,ぴってりの / きっちりに,ぴったりと
- patent / patented
- かすがい,締めくぎ,万力 / {動}〈他〉 / …'を'かすがい(万力など)で締めつける
- (土をかぶせて貯蔵してある)じゃがいも(根菜)の山
- 〈C〉録音したもの;レコード,テープ / 〈U〉録音された音
- ハマグリ / ハマグリを取る
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English Journal
- Endogenous cytosolic Ca(2+) buffering is necessary for TRPM4 activity in cerebral artery smooth muscle cells.
- Gonzales AL, Earley S.SourceVascular Physiology Research Group, Department of Biomedical Sciences Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523-1617,USA.
- Cell calcium.Cell Calcium.2012 Jan;51(1):82-93. Epub 2011 Dec 7.
- The melastatin transient receptor potential (TRP) channel, TRPM4, is a critical regulator of smooth muscle membrane potential and arterial tone. Activation of the channel is Ca(2+)-dependent, but prolonged exposures to high global Ca(2+) causes rapid inactivation under conventional whole-cell patch
- PMID 22153976
- Angiotensin II Stimulates Epithelial Sodium Channels (ENaC) in the Cortical Collecting Duct of the rat kidney.
- Sun P, Yue P, Wang WH.Source1New York Medical College.
- American journal of physiology. Renal physiology.Am J Physiol Renal Physiol.2011 Dec 14. [Epub ahead of print]
- We examined the effect of angiotensin II (AngII) on ENaC in the rat cortical collecting duct (CCD) with single channel and the perforated whole-cell patch-clamp recording. Application of 50 nM Ang II increased ENaC activity, defined by NPo (a product of channel numbers and open Probability) and the
- PMID 22169010
- Norepinephrine causes a biphasic change in mammalian pinealocye membrane potential: role of alpha1B-adrenoreceptors, phospholipase C, and Ca2+.
- Zemkova H, Stojilkovic SS, Klein DC.SourceDepartment of Cellular and Molecular Neuroendocrinology, Institute of Physiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 142 20 Prague 4, Czech Republic.
- Endocrinology.Endocrinology.2011 Oct;152(10):3842-51. Epub 2011 Aug 9.
- Perforated patch clamp recording was used to study the control of membrane potential (V(m)) and spontaneous electrical activity in the rat pinealocyte by norepinephrine. Norepinephrine did not alter spiking frequency. However, it was found to act through α(1B)-adrenoreceptors in a concentration-dep
- PMID 21828176
Japanese Journal
- 伊藤 健
- Equilibrium research 67(4), 263-268, 2008-08-01
- … The patch clamp technique enables the analyses of various ion channel characteristics of individual cells in vitro. … Usually, the whole conductance of the cell membrane is measured under "whole cell" and "perforated patch" modes, whereas single channel recordings are also possible by employing relevant modes such as the "cell attached" mode. …
- NAID 10026087620
- Modulation of ATP-Induced Inward Currents by Docosahexaenoic Acid and Other Fatty Acids in Rat Nodose Ganglion Neurons
- Eto Kei,Arimura Yukiko,Mizuguchi Hiroko [他],NISHIKAWA Masazumi,NODA Mami,ISHIBASHI Hitoshi
- Journal of pharmacological sciences 102(3), 343-346, 2006-11-20
- … The effects of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and other fatty acids on P2X-receptor-mediated inward currents in rat nodose ganglion neurons were studied using the nystatin perforated patch-clamp technique. …
- NAID 10020345266
- Non-competitive Inhibition of Kainate-Induced Currents by Diethylstilbestrol in Acutely Isolated Mouse CA1 Hippocampal Neurons
- Ishibashi Hitoshi,Okuya Satoshi,Shimada Hideaki [他],TAKAHAMA Kazuo
- The Japanese journal of pharmacology 84(2), 225-228, 2000-10-01
- … a synthetic estrogen, diethylstilbestrol(DES), on kainate-induced currents was investigated in the hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons acutely dissociated from the mice using the nystatin-perforated patch-clamp recording configuration under voltage-clamp conditions.DES inhibited the current evoked by 100μM kainate in a concentration-dependent manner with a half-maximum inhibitory concentration of 8.8μM.The action of DES was …
- NAID 10008185894
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- In this variation of whole-cell recording, the experimenter forms the gigohm seal, but does not use suction to ... As the antibiotic molecules diffuse into the membrane patch, they form small perforations in the ...
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- perforated patch-clamp recording
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