- 関
- paradoxical、paradoxically
- seemingly contradictory but nonetheless possibly true; "it is paradoxical that standing is more tiring than walking" (同)self-contradictory
- in a paradoxical manner; "paradoxically, ice ages seem to occur when the sun gets hotter"
- (logic) a statement that contradicts itself; "`I always lie is a paradox because if it is true it must be false"
- 逆説の;逆説を好む / 矛盾する
- 『逆説』(矛盾するようにみえても実際は真理を含んでいる説) / 矛盾;へ理屈
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- 1. 心音の聴診 auscultation of heart sounds
- 2. 肺動静脈奇形:疫学、病因、病理、および臨床的特徴 pulmonary arteriovenous malformations epidemiology etiology pathology and clinical features
- 3. 肺動静脈奇形:治療 pulmonary arteriovenous malformations treatment
- 4. 小児における胸壁損傷 chest wall injuries in children
- 5. 小児における感冒:治療および予防 the common cold in children treatment and prevention
English Journal
- Diaphragm dysfunction assessed by ultrasonography: Influence on weaning from mechanical ventilation.
- Kim WY, Suh HJ, Hong SB, Koh Y, Lim CM.SourceFrom Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine (HJS, S-BH, YK, C-ML) and the Department of Emergency Medicine (WYK), Ulsan University College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea.
- Critical care medicine.Crit Care Med.2011 Jun 23. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of diaphragmatic dysfunction diagnosed by M-mode ultrasonography (vertical excursion <10 mm or paradoxic movements) in medical intensive care unit patients and to assess the influence of diaphragmatic dysfunction on weaning outcome.DESIGN: Prospective, obser
- PMID 21705883
- Do dietary spices impair the patient-reported outcomes for stapled hemorrhoidopexy? A randomized controlled study.
- Agarwal BB.SourceDr. Agarwal's Surgery & Yoga, F81 & 82, Street no. 4, Virender Nagar, New Delhi, 110058, India. endosurgeon@gmail.com
- Surgical endoscopy.Surg Endosc.2011 May;25(5):1535-40. Epub 2010 Oct 26.
- BACKGROUND: Postoperative pain is a concern for patients seeking hemorrhoid surgery. Stapled hemorrhoidopexy is popular due to better patient-reported outcomes (PROs). Pain is the index of PROs. Posthemorrhoidectomy patients usually opt for a spice-free diet due to fear of pain or anal pruritus indu
- PMID 20976480
Japanese Journal
- Simultaneous Pressure Recording in Mid-Ventricular Obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
- Hanaoka Yousuke,Misumi Ikuo,Rokutanda Taku,Akahoshi Ryuichiro,Matsumoto Mitsuhiro,Sakamoto Tomohiro,Kaikita Koichi,Yamamuro Megumi,Sugiyama Seigo,Ogawa Hisao
- Internal Medicine 51(4), 387-390, 2012
- … A 70-year-old man was diagnosed with mid-ventricular obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (MVOHCM) with apical aneurysm and paradoxic jet flow. … the absence of active relaxation was considered to be the cause of the paradoxic jet flow. … In this report, we suggest the pathogenesis of left ventricular apical aneurysm and paradoxic jet flow in MVOHCM. …
- NAID 130002062009
- 奇異性拡張期血流を認めた心室中部閉塞性肥大型心筋症の1例
- 三角 郁夫,蛯原 賢司,赤星 隆一郎 [他],松岡 多香子,坂井 綾子,三城 真由美
- 日本心臓病学会誌 =Journal of cardiology. Japanese edition 5(2), 139-142, 2010-06-15
- NAID 10026916916
- 賢治寓話「茨海小学校」とその背景 : 環境教育教材としての活用と関わって
- 米地 文夫
- 総合政策 7(2), 133-151, 2006-03-01
- 宮沢賢治の寓話「茨海小学校」は、茨海の野原で農学校教師が狐小学校を参観してくるという話で、幻想的であり一般には童話とみなされているものの、大人向けの逆説的、風刺的な作品である。物語の発端である農学校教師が探した火山弾やハマナスについて検討し、岩手山麓、滝沢付近を茨海のモデルと推定した。しかし、狐小学校は賢治の勤めていた花巻農学校がモデルであることが、校舎の内部の構成や時間割、卒業生の進路、生徒や教 …
- NAID 110006198615
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- pertaining to a person, situation, statement, or act that may appear to have inconsistent or contradictory qualities or that may be true but appears to be absurd or unbelievable. Also paradoxical [-dok′sikəl] . Want to thank TFD for its existence?
- Definition of paradoxic breathing in the Medical Dictionary. paradoxic ...
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- bizarre、paradoxic、paradoxically
- 英
- paradoxical、paradoxic、paradoxically
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- 奇異、奇異性
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- paradoxic、paradoxical