English Journal
- Real-time monitoring of antimicrobial use density to reduce antimicrobial resistance through the promotion of antimicrobial heterogeneity in a haematology/oncology unit.
- Murata S1, Mushino T1, Hosoi H1, Kuriyama K1, Kurimoto M1, Watanuki J1, Nishikawa A1, Sonoki T1, Nakakuma H1, Hanaoka N2.
- The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy.J Antimicrob Chemother.2015 Jun 12. pii: dkv151. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: In haematology/oncology units, the frequent and heavy use of broad-spectrum antimicrobials can lead to outbreaks of antimicrobial resistance. Increasing antimicrobial heterogeneity might be a useful strategy for preventing such resistance.METHODS: A real-time antimicrobial use density (A
- PMID 26071518
- Antibiotic Susceptibilities of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from Blood Samples and Antibiotic Utilization in a University Hospital in Japan.
- Kato I1, Fujimoto F, Higurashi Y, Yamaguchi R, Takayama K, Suzuki M, Okugawa S, Okazaki M, Moriya K.
- Infectious diseases and therapy.Infect Dis Ther.2015 Jun;4(2):213-8. doi: 10.1007/s40121-015-0066-x. Epub 2015 May 20.
- INTRODUCTION: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the most important causes of nosocomial infection. Several reports indicated a correlation of antimicrobial usages and declined susceptibilities. In this report, we evaluated their relation in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Tokyo, Japan for 4 yea
- PMID 25991512
- Mediastinitis of bronchogenic cyst caused by endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration.
- Onuki T1, Kuramochi M1, Inagaki M1.
- Respirology case reports.Respirol Case Rep.2014 Jun;2(2):73-5. doi: 10.1002/rcr2.53. Epub 2014 Mar 13.
- Here, we describe the case of a 56-year-old female patient who was diagnosed with an anterior mediastinal cyst measuring 26 × 16 mm in size. An endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration was performed, and punctures occurred three times. The patient was then prescribed cefdito
- PMID 25473572
Japanese Journal
- 前医で投与されたCeftriaxoneにより発症した偽胆石症―超音波検査が診断・経過観察に有用であった8歳女児の1例―
- 三浦 大輔,藤野 由梨奈,松岡 由希子,松本 佳隆,崎田 光人
- 医学検査 63(6), 719-724, 2014
- … (US)及び造影CT検査で急性巣状細菌性腎炎と診断され,Panipenem約100 mg/kg/day分4静注で治療が開始された.入院3日目のUSにて胆嚢内に沈殿する砂状のstrong echo及び浮遊する顆粒状のstrong echoを認め,胆砂と診断された.この胆砂は入院時USでは認めていないことから,一過性に形成されたと考えられ,偽胆石症を疑った.しかし,入院後はPanipenemを使用していたため,担当医にCTRXの使用歴がないか確認 …
- NAID 130005057068
- Severe Acute Otitis Media Caused by Mucoid Streptococcus Pyogenes in a Previously Healthy Adult
- Kakuta Risako,Yano Hisakazu,Hidaka Hiroshi,Miyazaki Hiromitsu,Irimada Mihoko,Oda Kiyoshi,Arai Kazuaki,Ozawa Daiki,Takahashi Takashi,Kaku Mitsuo,Katori Yukio
- The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine 232(4), 301-304, 2014
- … pyogenes, and thus the patient received treatment with panipenem-betamipron 2.0 g/day for 10 days, which resolved nearly all symptoms. …
- NAID 130004460123
- A retrospective cohort study of panipenem/betamipron for adult penumococcal bacteremia at three teaching hospitals in Japan
- SUZUKI Hiromichi,TOKUDA Yasuharu,SHICHI Daisuke,HITOMI Shigemi,ISHIKAWA Hiroichi,MAENO Tetsuhiro,NAKAMURA Hidenori
- Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy 19(4), 607-614, 2013-08-01
- NAID 10031194386
Related Links
- Panipenem / Betamipron [PAPM/BP] パニペネム/ベタミプロン, カルバペネム系 1. 商品名 先発品 カルベニン点滴用0.25g/カルベニン点滴用0.5g 【第一三共】 2. 日本における発売年 1993(平成5)年 3. 特長 グラム陽性・陰性 ,嫌気性 ...
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- 英
- panipenem-betamipron