- of long duration; not new; "old tradition"; "old house"; "old wine"; "old country"; "old friendships"; "old money"
- past times (especially in the phrase `in days of old'
- skilled through long experience; "an old offender"; "the older soldiers" (同)older
- (used especially of persons) having lived for a relatively long time or attained a specific age; "his mother is very old"; "a ripe old age"; "how old are you?"
- (used for emphasis) very familiar; "good old boy"; "same old story"
- a sterile liquid containing a purified protein derivative of the tuberculosis bacterium; used in the diagnosis of tuberculosis
- of a very early stage in development; "Old English is also called Anglo Saxon"; "Old High German is High German from the middle of the 9th to the end of the 11th century"
- 『年とった』,老齢の / 『年上の』,年長の / 『ある年月』(『年齢』)『の』,…歳の / (物事が)『古い』,古くさい,新しくない / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『昔なじみの』,昔なつかしい / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『古代の』,大昔の / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(現在に対して)以前の,もとの / (衣服など)使い古した / (人が)経験のある,老練な / 《話》《呼び掛けで親しみなどをこめて》 / 《話》《名詞の前にのみ用い,前の形容詞を強めて》非常な,すばらしい / 昔
- ツベルクリン注射液(結核感染の有無を調べるための注射液)
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- 1. 結核の皮膚症状 cutaneous manifestations of tuberculosis
- 2. 非HIV感染成人における潜伏結核感染の診断(結核検査) diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection tuberculosis screening in hiv uninfected adults
- 3. 小児における潜伏結核感染 latent tuberculosis infection in children
- 4. 結核性腹膜炎 tuberculous peritonitis
- 5. 実質臓器移植における感染予防 prophylaxis of infections in solid organ transplantation
English Journal
- Improvement in severe psoriasis associated with isoniazid treatment.
- Chiriac A, Ferariu D, Solovan C, Brzezinski P1, Feldman SR.
- Dermatology online journal.Dermatol Online J.2014 May 16;20(5):22617.
- A 67 year-old man was diagnosed 10 years ago with severe plaque psoriasis and was hospitalized for re-evaluation of therapy. He was treated previously with topical corticosteroids, methotrexate, and phototherapy. As part of the assessment protocol for initiation of biological treatment, a tuberculin
- PMID 24852777
- A 52-year-old woman with a positive tuberculin skin test.
- Redditt VJ, Bunce PE.
- CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne.CMAJ.2014 May 12. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 24821871
- [Tuberculosis screening program for undocumented immigrant teenagers using the QuantiFERON®-TB Gold In-Tube test.]
- Salinas C1, Ballaz A2, Díez R2, Aguirre U3, Antón A3, Altube L2.
- Medicina clinica.Med Clin (Barc).2014 Apr 17. pii: S0025-7753(14)00192-4. doi: 10.1016/j.medcli.2013.12.017. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of tuberculosis infection in undocumented immigrant teenagers using a tuberculin skin test (TST) for initial screening and QuantiFERON®-TB Gold In-Tube (QFT-GIT) as a confirmatory test.PATIENT AND METHOD: From 2007 to 2
- PMID 24747025
Japanese Journal
- 高カルシウム血症からサルコイドーシスの診断に至った維持透析患者の1例
- 越智 文美,若井 幸子,中山 一誠,安井 由紀子,加賀 俊江,雫 淳一,阿部 恭知,遠藤 真理子,小倉 三津雄,新田 孝作
- 日本透析医学会雑誌 = Journal of Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy 44(7), 649-654, 2011-07-28
- 維持透析療法において,透析患者の高Ca血症は骨ミネラル代謝異常の一部であり,高頻度に認められる.また,それにより血管石灰化,ひいては,心血管イベントをひき起こす.透析患者における高Ca血症の原因として,Ca製剤の過剰投与,活性化ビタミンDの過剰投与,高度の二次性副甲状腺機能亢進症などを第一に考え治療を行った.しかし,これらの治療に抵抗性の高Ca血症を呈し,精査を行い,サルコイドーシスの診断に至った …
- NAID 10029407330
- 産婦人科病棟における結核患者発生事例と対策—接触者健診を実施して—
- 三五 裕子,山本 よしこ,福田 修
- 日本環境感染学会誌 26(3), 157-160, 2011
- 2008年12月に当院産婦人科病棟で出産した25歳女性が,2009年2月に他院で肺結核と診断された.当院の産婦人科病棟では,出産当日より母児同室を行っている.そのため,新生児が患者と接触した可能性があり,早期に接触者健診を行う必要があった.発端者と接触した可能性のあるすべての母児を接触者健診の対象とした.その結果,同室・授乳室・1ヶ月健診での接触者11組(Aグループ),授乳 …
- NAID 130001013969
Related Links
- old tuberculin Etymology: ME, ald + L, tubercle the original formula for an extract of the tubercle bacillus used in the treatment of tuberculosis by Koch, using a glycerin-broth culture of Mycobacterium tuberculosis after filtration and ...
- tuberculin a sterile liquid prepared from cultures of attenuated tubercle bacillus and used in the diagnosis of tuberculosis tuberculin [tə′bər·kyə·lən] ... As a modern alternative to the 110 year old Tuberculin Skin Test (TST), also known ...
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- 英
- old tuberculin, obsolete tuberculosis
- 関
- 結核、活動性結核