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English Journal
- Schizophrenia through the carers' eyes: results of a European cross-sectional survey.
- Svettini A1, Johnson B1, Magro C1, Saunders J1, Jones K1, Silk S2, Hargarter L3, Schreiner A4.
- Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing.J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs.2015 Sep;22(7):472-83. doi: 10.1111/jpm.12209. Epub 2015 May 6.
- ACCESSIBLE SUMMARY: Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder affecting approximately 29 million people worldwide. The ideal treatment and care of patients with schizophrenia should be provided by a multidisciplinary 'team' involving psychiatrists, nurses and other healthcare professionals, togethe
- PMID 25944551
- Antiretroviral Medication Adherence and Amplified HIV Transmission Risk Among Sexually Active HIV-Infected Individuals in Three Diverse International Settings.
- Magidson JF1, Li X, Mimiaga MJ, Moore AT, Srithanaviboonchai K, Friedman RK, Limbada M, Hughes JP, Cummings V, Gaydos CA, Elharrar V, Celentano D, Mayer KH, Safren SA.
- AIDS and behavior.AIDS Behav.2015 Aug 6. [Epub ahead of print]
- Successful biomedical prevention/treatment-as-prevention (TasP) requires identifying individuals at greatest risk for transmitting HIV, including those with antiretroviral therapy (ART) nonadherence and/or 'amplified HIV transmission risk,' defined as condomless sex with HIV-uninfected/unknown-statu
- PMID 26246068
- Medicare Part D Coverage Gap: Race, Gender, and Cost-Related Medication Nonadherence.
- Bakk L1.
- Social work in public health.Soc Work Public Health.2015 Aug 6:1-13. [Epub ahead of print]
- This study examined whether the Medicare Part D coverage gap directly and indirectly affects the relationship between race, gender, and cost-related nonadherence (CRN). Using a nationally representative sample (N = 1,157), this study found that racial disparities in CRN existed under Medicare Part
- PMID 26247585
Japanese Journal
- Fatal Very Late Stent Thrombosis in a Young Diabetic Patient With Severely Diffuse Coronary Atherosclerosis
- Kadohira Tadayuki,Kobayashi Yoshio,Asano Tatsuhiko,Uehara Masae,Funabashi Nobusada,Nakayama Takashi,Kuroda Nakabumi,Komuro Issei
- International Heart Journal 49(4), 507-513, 2008
- … Poor glycemic control due to nonadherence to diabetic treatments is likely to result in severely diffuse coronary atherosclerosis and diabetic microvascular complications. … Furthermore, it demonstrates severely diffuse atherosclerosis in a young diabetic patient with nonadherence to diabetic treatments. …
- NAID 130000069083
- Nonadherence in hemodialysis : Associations with mortality, hospitalization, and practice patterns in the DOPPS
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- Nonadherence definition, the quality of adhering; steady devotion, support, allegiance, or attachment: adherence to a party; rigid adherence to rules. See more. Thesaurus Translate Puzzles & Games Reference Word of the Day ...
- Definition of NONADHERENCE: a lack of adherence This word doesn't usually appear in our free dictionary, but the definition from our premium Unabridged Dictionary is offered here on a limited basis. Note that some information is ...
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- 関
- nonadherence, drug discontinuation
- 薬の服用を患者が中断すること。無意識・記憶障害による飲み忘れや,治癒したとの自己判断や副作用から意図的に服用しないものなど(特に後者を断薬または拒薬という)
- 英
- nonadherence
- 関
- 非癒着
- 英
- nonadherence
- 関
- 非固執