- 母斑(ぼはん)(先天性のあざ・ほくろ・そばかすなど)
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English Journal
- Upregulation of S100P, receptor for advanced glycation end products and ezrin in malignant melanoma.
- Zhu L, Ito T, Nakahara T, Nagae K, Fuyuno Y, Nakao M, Akahoshi M, Nakagawa R, Tu Y, Uchi H, Furue M.Author information Division of Skin Surface Sensing, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan; Department of Dermatology, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan.AbstractS100P is a member of the S100 family. Increased levels of S100P have been documented in various malignancies. Binding of extracellular S100P to receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) or coupling of intracellular S100P with a cytoskeletal protein, ezrin, play a crucial role in tumor growth, invasion and metastasis. However, little is known about the expression of S100P, RAGE and ezrin in malignant melanoma. We immunostained these three molecules in 20 primary and 20 metastatic melanomas. Samples of 20 benign nevus pigmentosus and 10 of normal skin were tested as controls. The expression levels (percentage of positively stained cells) of S100P, RAGE and ezrin were significantly higher in melanomas than in nevus pigmentosus. Moreover, slightly but significantly higher expression levels were observed in metastatic than in primary melanomas. Significant positive correlations were evident between the expression levels of S100P and RAGE, S100P and ezrin, and RAGE and ezrin, respectively. In conclusion, the coordinate upregulation of S100P, RAGE and ezrin may possibly facilitate malignant transformation of melanoma.
- The Journal of dermatology.J Dermatol.2013 Dec;40(12):973-9. doi: 10.1111/1346-8138.12323. Epub 2013 Dec 4.
- S100P is a member of the S100 family. Increased levels of S100P have been documented in various malignancies. Binding of extracellular S100P to receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) or coupling of intracellular S100P with a cytoskeletal protein, ezrin, play a crucial role in tumor grow
- PMID 24303922
- A case report of an unrecognized nevoid melanoma in a young woman--clinicopathological diagnostic challenge.
- Buljan M, Situm M, Tomas D, Cavka V, Poduje S, Gasparov S.Author information Department of Dermatology and Venereology, University Hospital Sestre Milosrdnice , Vinogradska 29, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia. buljan.marija@gmail.comAbstractNevoid melanoma is a rare form of melanoma histologically resembling benign melanocytic nevi and may be overlooked in routine histological sections. Authors are presenting a case of a 31-year-old woman who presented with bizarre pigmented skin lesions in the area of the postoperative scar on the back where, 6 years earlier, a "nevus pigmentosus epidermo-dermalis" was excised and hystologically confirmed in outer institution. The lesions were surgically removed and histopathological findings were characteristic for nevoid melanoma. Additionally, specimen of primary removed lesion was reexamined and primary nevoid melanoma was then recognized, therefore indicating that the lesions our patient presented with are nevoid melanoma recidivisms. Extensive diagnostic procedures showed no signs of melanoma dissemination. Three months later, the patient returned for consultation and presented with two new brownish-pigmented papules in the area of the new postoperative scar. The lesions were excised and new nevoid melanoma recidivism was confirmed. The patient remained under the regular follow up and, almost 9 years after the removal of primary nevoid melanoma, followed by two cutaneous recidivisms, remains disease-free. This case aims to highlight the problematic area in the analysis of pigmented skin lesions where nevoid melanoma represents one of the clinical and pathological diagnostic challenges.
- Collegium antropologicum.Coll Antropol.2010 Apr;34 Suppl 2:307-11.
- Nevoid melanoma is a rare form of melanoma histologically resembling benign melanocytic nevi and may be overlooked in routine histological sections. Authors are presenting a case of a 31-year-old woman who presented with bizarre pigmented skin lesions in the area of the postoperative scar on the bac
- PMID 21305748
Japanese Journal
- 朱 理,和田 麻衣子,宇佐川 祐子 [他]
- 福岡医学雑誌 = Fukuoka acta medica 104(10), 370-375, 2013-10-25
- … We examined the expression levels of cathepsin D in 20 primary malignant melanomas, 20 metastatic malignant melanomas, 20 benign nevus pigmentosus and 10 normal skin samples in Japanese. … The percent positivity and staining intensity of cathepsin D in primary and metastatic malignant melanomas were significantly higher than that of nevus pigmentosus. …
- NAID 120005372182
- 大磯 直毅,川田 暁
- 日本小児皮膚科学会雑誌 = Journal of pediatric dermatology 29(2), 85-89, 2010-11-30
- NAID 10027698391
- 赤唇部色素性母斑に対する顕微鏡下短冊状皮膚剥離術の治療経験
- 飯田 直成,矢澤 智博,村松 英俊
- 日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 24(4), 260-264, 2008-12-25
- NAID 10024931039
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- 英
- nevocellular nevus nevocellular nevi, nevocytic nevus, nevus cell nevus
- 同
- 色素性母斑 nevus pigmentosus、色素細胞母斑 pigmental cell nevus
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- 英
- melanocytic nevus、melanocytic nevi、pigmented nevus、pigmented nevi, nevus pigmentosus
- 関
- 色素細胞性母斑、色素細胞母斑、メラノサイト性母斑、母斑細胞母斑