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- 1. 前庭神経炎および内耳炎vestibular neuritis and labyrinthitis [show details]
… Vestibular neuritis is also known as vestibular neuronitis, labyrinthitis, neurolabyrinthitis, and acute peripheral vestibulopathy . A group of leading international experts has proposed the term "acute …
- 2. 急性運動失調を呈する小児に対するアプローチapproach to the child with acute ataxia [show details]
…infections such as otitis media, causes acute labyrinthitis. Symptoms include hearing loss, vomiting, and intense vertigo exacerbated by head movements . Labyrinthitis may be difficult to distinguish from …
- 3. 回転性めまいの原因causes of vertigo [show details]
…(MRI) of the brain to rule out a posterior fossa abnormality. Vestibular neuritis, also known as vestibular neuronitis and labyrinthitis, is believed to be a viral or postviral inflammatory disorder, …
- 4. 回転性めまいの治療treatment of vertigo [show details]
…diminish the symptoms of vertigo or alter the disease course in the following conditions: Vestibular neuritis Vestibular migraine Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo Meniere disease Multiple …
- 5. 悪心および嘔吐を伴う成人に対するアプローチapproach to the adult with nausea and vomiting [show details]
…suggests intestinal obstruction or a gastrocolic fistula. Vertigo and nystagmus are typical of vestibular neuritis and other causes of vertigo. Bulimia is associated with dental enamel erosion, parotid gland…
English Journal
- Association between ambient particulate matter and disorders of vestibular function.
- Han C1, Lim YH2, Jung K3, Hong YC4.
- Environmental research.Environ Res.2017 May;155:242-248. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2017.02.013. Epub 2017 Mar 10.
- PMID 28236785
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Vestibular Neuritis/Neuronitis or Peripheral Vestibulopathy (PVP)? Open Questions and Possible Answers.
- Hegemann SC1, Wenzel A.
- Otology & neurotology : official publication of the American Otological Society, American Neurotology Society [and] European Academy of Otology and Neurotology.Otol Neurotol.2017 Mar 24. doi: 10.1097/MAO.0000000000001396. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 28346294
- Clinical characteristics of headache or facial pain prior to the development of acute herpes zoster of the head.
- Lee HL1, Yeo M1, Choi GH2, Lee JY2, Kim JS1, Shin DI1, Lee SS1, Lee SH3.
- Clinical neurology and neurosurgery.Clin Neurol Neurosurg.2017 Jan;152:90-94. doi: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2016.12.004. Epub 2016 Dec 8.
- PMID 27978460
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- neuronitis /neu·ro·ni·tis/ (-ni´tis) inflammation of one or more neurons. vestibular neuronitis a disturbance of vestibular function consisting of a single attack of severe vertigo with nausea and vomiting but without auditory symptoms.
- MalaCards: Neuronitis is related to neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinoses and bipolar disorder. An important gene associated with Neuronitis is NOS1AP (nitric oxide synthase 1 (neuronal) adaptor protein), and among its related pathways are Transmission across Chemical Synapses ...
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