- any bundle of nerve fibers running to various organs and tissues of the body (同)nervus
- tell a relatively insignificant lie; "Fibbing is not acceptable, even if you dont call it lying"
- a trivial lie; "he told a fib about eating his spinach"; "how can I stop my child from telling stories?" (同)story, tale, tarradiddle, taradiddle
- a slender and greatly elongated substance capable of being spun into yarn (同)fibre
- a leatherlike material made by compressing layers of paper or cloth (同)fibre, vulcanized fiber
- any of several elongated, threadlike cells (especially a muscle fiber or a nerve fiber) (同)fibre
- (of neurons) covered with a layer of myelin (同)medullated
- control of your emotions; "this kind of tension is not good for my nerves"
- 〈C〉『神経』 / 〈C〉《複数形で》『神経過敏』,いらだち / 〈U〉『勇気』,度胸(courage) / 〈U〉《時にa ~》厚かましさ,ずぶとさ;無礼 / 〈C〉葉脈;(昆虫の)翅脈(しみゃく) / 〈人,特に自分〉‘に'力を与える,‘を'元気づける
- (ささいな,罪のない)うそ / 軽いうそをつく
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English Journal
- Identification of mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors on peripheral nociceptors: Translation of experimental findings from animal to human biology.
- Tafelski S, Mohamed D, Shaqura M, Assaf C, Beyer A, Treskatsch S, Schäfer M, Mousa SA.
- Brain research. 2019 Jun;1712()180-187.
- Evidence is accumulating that activation of mineralocorticoid (MR) and glucocorticoid (GR) receptors on peripheral sensory neurons modulates pain sensation. While the expression and exact anatomical localization of MR and GR in the various subpopulations of peripheral sensory neurons has been shown
- PMID 30771315
- Neural-like cells from adipose-derived stem cells for cavernous nerve injury in rats.
- Ying CC, Yang M, Wang Y, Guo YL, Hu WL, Zheng XM.
- Neural regeneration research. 2019 Jun;14(6)1085-1090.
- Although the remaining nerve tissue can regenerate and partly restore erectile function when the cavernous nerve is compressed/severed and function lost, the limited regenerative ability of these nerve tissues often fails to meet clinical needs. Adipose-derived stem cells are easy to obtain and cult
- PMID 30762023
- Comparative study of extracellular recording methods for analysis of afferent sensory information: Empirical modeling, data analysis and interpretation.
- Farfán FD, Soto-Sánchez C, Pizá AG, Albarracín AL, Soletta JH, Lucianna FA, Fernández E.
- Journal of neuroscience methods. 2019 May;320()116-127.
- Physiological studies of sensorial systems often require the acquisition and processing of data extracted from their multiple components to evaluate how the neural information changes in relation to the environment changes. In this work, a comparative study about methodological aspects of two electr
- PMID 30849435
Japanese Journal
- Targeted Subcortical Nerve Recruitment by Controlling the Waveform of Electrical Stimulation for MRI-guided Surgical Ablation
- , , ,
- Advanced Biomedical Engineering 3(0), 139-146, 2014
- … However, MRI images cannot provide sufficient details regarding the fiber tracts. … In order for surgeons to know the spatial distribution of subcortical nerve tracts and improve safety during surgery, we propose the use of subcortical mapping to support MRI-guided surgical ablation. …
- NAID 130005001711
- Targeted Subcortical Nerve Recruitment by Controlling the Waveform of Electrical Stimulation for MRI-guided Surgical Ablation
- , , ,
- Advanced Biomedical Engineering 3(0), 139-146, 2014
- … However, MRI images cannot provide sufficient details regarding the fiber tracts. … In order for surgeons to know the spatial distribution of subcortical nerve tracts and improve safety during surgery, we propose the use of subcortical mapping to support MRI-guided surgical ablation. …
- NAID 130005001709
- 大山 健,小池 春樹,高橋 美江,川頭 祐一,飯島 正博,祖父江 元
- 臨床神経学 54(12), 1047-1049, 2014
- 近年,IgGのサブクラスのひとつであるIgG4の上昇をともなう疾患群がIgG4関連疾患(IgG4-RD)として報告され,注目されている.IgG4-RDは,臓器の腫脹・腫大,組織での線維化をともなうIgG4陽性形質細胞浸潤,血清IgG4値の上昇を共通の特徴とし,種々の臓器で報告されてきた.神経領域では下垂体炎や肥厚性硬膜炎が知られていたが,新たにIgG4-RDがニューロパチーでもみられることを明らか …
- NAID 130004921198
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- 英
- myelinated nerve fiber, medullated nerve fiber
- ラ
- neurofibra myelinata
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- A-fibre、B fiber、myelinated nerve fiber
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- A-fiber、myelinated nerve fiber
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- C-fiber
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- nervi、nervous、nervus、neural、neuro、neuron
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- myelination
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- cerebellar mossy fiber、nerve fibre
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- medullated nerve
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- myelination