- make dark, dim, or gloomy
- dark or gloomy; "a murky dungeon"; "murky rooms lit by smoke-blackened lamps" (同)mirky
- unclearly; opaquely; "murkily expressed ideas"
- the 12th letter of the Greek alphabet
- 暗黒;陰うつ
- 暗い;陰気な;曇った,霧(もや)がかかった
- 暗く;陰気に
- 暗さ;陰気;曇っていること
- ミュー(ギリシア語アルファベットの第12字М,μ;英語のM,mに相当)
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/09/07 16:45:30」(JST)
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Murk may refer to:
- Murk (band), Cuban-American house music duo
- Murk (album), its 2004 self-titled release
- Murk (film) (Danish title: Mørke), 2005 Danish thriller by Jannik Johansen and Anders Thomas Jensen
- Murk, a minor character in Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Murk, an American English colloquialism for murder
Persons with the given name Murk[edit source | edit]
- Murk van Phelsum (1730–1779), Dutch physician
English Journal
- Effects of mixtures of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) derived from cod liver oil on H295R steroidogenesis.
- Montano M, Zimmer KE, Dahl E, Berg V, Olsaker I, Skaare JU, Murk AJ, Ropstad E, Verhaegen S.SourceDepartment of Environment and Agro-biotechnologies, Centre de Recherche Public - Gabriel Lippmann, 41, rue de Brill, L4422 Belvaux, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, Luxembourg; Wageningen University, Section of Toxicology, 6700 EA, P.O. Box 8000, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
- Food and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association.Food Chem Toxicol.2011 Sep;49(9):2328-35. Epub 2011 Jun 21.
- Crude cod liver oil and liver oil supplements are consumed as a source of vitamin A, D and polyunsaturated fatty acids; during winter and early pregnancy. Crude cod liver oil however constitutes a considerable source of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). This paper aimed at characterizing and qua
- PMID 21722693
- Rational application of chemicals in response to oil spills may reduce environmental damage.
- Tamis JE, Jongbloed RH, Karman CC, Koops W, Murk AJ.SourceWageningen IMARES: Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies, P.O. Box 57, 1780 AB, Den Helder, The Netherlands. jacqueline.tamis@wur.nl.
- Integrated environmental assessment and management.Integr Environ Assess Manag.2011 Aug 18. doi: 10.1002/ieam.273. [Epub ahead of print]
- Oils spills, for example those due to tanker collisions and groundings or platform accidents, can have huge adverse impacts on marine systems. The impact of an oil spill at sea depends on a number of factors, such as spill volume, type of oil spilled, weather conditions and proximity to environmenta
- PMID 21853522
Japanese Journal
- A356 ミリ波サブミリ波サウンダによる衛星からの大気観測(衛星からの大気観測 : 日本の貢献と将来展望II)
- 笠井 康子,増子 治信,真鍋 武嗣,瀬田 益道,落合 啓,入交 芳久,天埜 尭,塩谷 雅人,柴崎 和夫,Verdes Carmen,Buehlar Stefan,Kuenz Klaus,稲谷 順司,佐藤 亮太,西堀 俊幸,尾関 博之,菊地 健一,岡林 明伸,Murk Axel,鈴木 睦
- 大会講演予講集 84, 79, 2003-10-15
- NAID 110001817974
- A357 超伝導サブミリ波リム放射サウンダSMILESの進捗とミリ波サブミリ波による大気観測の展望(衛星からの大気観測 : 日本の貢献と将来展望II)
- 稲谷 順司,佐藤 亮太,西堀 俊幸,尾関 博之,菊地 健一,岡林 明伸,Murk Axel,鈴木 睦,増子 治信,真鍋 武嗣,瀬田 益道,落合 啓,笠井 康子,入交 芳久,塩谷 雅人,天埜 尭義,柴崎 和夫,Kuenzi Klaus,Kaempfer Niklaus
- 大会講演予講集 84, 80, 2003-10-15
- NAID 10013699864
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