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English Journal
- Inhibitory effects of wild bitter melon leaf extract on Propionibacterium acnes-induced skin inflammation in mice and cytokine production in vitro.
- Huang WC1, Tsai TH, Huang CJ, Li YY, Chyuan JH, Chuang LT, Tsai PJ.
- Food & function.Food Funct.2015 Aug 5;6(8):2550-60. doi: 10.1039/c5fo00550g. Epub 2015 Jun 22.
- Propionibacterium acnes is a key pathogen involved in acne inflammation. Wild bitter melon (WBM, Momordica charantia L. var. abbreviate Seringe) is consumed as both a vegetable and as folk medicine in Taiwan. We examined the inhibitory activity of the total phenolic extract (TPE) of WBM leaf on P. a
- PMID 26098998
- Klk8 is required for microabscess formation in a mouse imiquimod model of psoriasis.
- Iinuma S1, Kishibe M1, Saito N1, Igawa S1, Honma M1, Takahashi H1, Bando Y2, Yoshida S2, Iizuka H1, Ishida-Yamamoto A1.
- Experimental dermatology.Exp Dermatol.2015 Jun 29. doi: 10.1111/exd.12794. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 26121277
- Interleukin-17 is a critical target for the treatment of ankylosing enthesitis and psoriasis-like dermatitis in mice.
- Ebihara S1, Date F, Dong Y, Ono M.
- Autoimmunity.Autoimmunity.2015 Jun;48(4):259-66. doi: 10.3109/08916934.2014.976630. Epub 2014 Oct 29.
- Ankylosis is a major pathological manifestation of spondyloarthropathy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of anti-IL-17 therapy on spontaneous ankylosing enthesitis in mice. In this study, we used male DBA/1 mice as a spontaneous ankylosis model. Serum IL-17 concentrations were deter
- PMID 25352178
Japanese Journal
- Acute Bacterial Meningitis among Children Admitted into an Iranian Referral Children's Hospital
- Mahmoudi Shima,Zandi Hamed,Pourakbari Babak [他],Ashtiani Mohammad Taghi Haghi,Mamishi Setareh
- Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases 66(6), 503-506, 2013
- … According to our results, abnormalities including brain edema, subdural effusion, microabscess, and ventriculomegaly hydrocephalus were observed in 50% of the patients with confirmed bacterial meningitis; …
- NAID 130003390329
- フルチカゾン嚥下療法が有効であった狭窄を伴う好酸球性食道炎の1例
- 藤原 靖弘,村木 基子,木幡 幸恵,杉森 聖司,山上 博一,谷川 徹也,渡辺 憲治,渡辺 俊雄,富永 和作,荒川 哲男
- 日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 = Gastroenterological endoscopy 53(11), 3523-3528, 2011-11-20
- … 上部消化管内視鏡検査では食道胃接合部に一致して著明な狭窄を認めたが,明らかな腫瘍や粘膜不整を認めず,超音波内視鏡では主に粘膜層の肥厚を認めた.食道生検にて食道粘膜内に著明な好酸球浸潤とmicroabscess形成を認め,好酸球性食道炎と診断した.フルチカゾン嚥下療法により症状および内視鏡像・組織学的改善を認めた.好酸球性食道炎は本邦では稀な疾患であるが,典型的な症状と特徴的な内視鏡像より食 …
- NAID 10030292817
- 川村 紘三,片桐 義文,飯田 豊,栃井 航也,小久保 健太郎
- 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 72(6), 1493-1498, 2011
- 症例は78歳,女性.食欲不振を主訴に受診した.38.1℃の発熱,CRP 20.11mg/dL,WBC 10,700/μLと反応の上昇を認めた.腹部造影CTにて肝S5~8に周囲に造影効果を伴う76×46×45mm大の多房性嚢胞性腫瘤を認め,肝膿瘍と診断した.抗生剤投与および経皮経肝膿瘍ドレナージ術を施行し,炎症反応の低下を認めCTにて肝膿瘍の縮小を確認した.肝膿瘍の原因検索のためMRCP,ERCP, …
- NAID 130004517923
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- microabscess [mi″kro-ab´ses] an abscess visible only under a microscope. Pautrier's microabscess one of the well-defined collections of mycosis cells located within the epidermis in T-cell lymphoma and mycosis fungoides. mi·cro ...
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- 英
- Munro microabscess
- 同
- Munro微小膿瘍、ムンロ微小膿瘍、ムンロー微小膿瘍、ムンロウ微小膿瘍、マンロ微小膿瘍、マンロウ微小膿瘍
- 関
- 尋常性乾癬 psoriasis vulgaris、微小膿瘍
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- 英
- microabscess