- serve on the staff of; "The two men staff the reception desk"
- building material consisting of plaster and hair; used to cover external surfaces of temporary structure (as at an exposition) or for decoration
- a strong rod or stick with a specialized utilitarian purpose; "he walked with the help of a wooden staff"
- the body of teachers and administrators at a school; "the dean addressed the letter to the entire staff of the university" (同)faculty
- (music) the system of five horizontal lines on which the musical notes are written (同)stave
- a rod carried as a symbol
- personnel who assist their superior in carrying out an assigned task; "the hospital has an excellent nursing staff"; "the general relied on his staff to make routine decisions"
- provide with staff; "This position is not always staffed"
- 職員,部員,局員;(特に新聞の)編集員,記者
- 『つえ』,棒,さお;旗ざお / (職能・権威などを示す)つえ,権標・指揮棒 / (…の)支え[となるもの],頼り[となるもの] / 《集合的に》『職員』,社員,局員,スタッフ;幹部 / 《集合的に》幕僚 / (音譜などを記す)譜表,五線(stave) / 〈職場など〉‘に'(…の)職員(部員など)を置く《+『名』+『with』+『名』》
English Journal
- Plasma membrane phospholipase A2 controls hepatocellular fatty acid uptake and is responsive to pharmacological modulation: implications for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.
- Stremmel W1, Staffer S, Wannhoff A, Pathil A, Chamulitrat W.
- FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.FASEB J.2014 Apr 9. [Epub ahead of print]
- Excess hepatic fat accumulation leads to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), a serious threat to health for which no effective treatment is available. However, the mechanism responsible for fatty acid uptake by hepatocytes remains unclear. Using the human hepatocyte-derived tumor cell line HepG2, w
- PMID 24719358
- Mucosal protection by phosphatidylcholine.
- Stremmel W1, Ehehalt R, Staffer S, Stoffels S, Mohr A, Karner M, Braun A.
- Digestive diseases (Basel, Switzerland).Dig Dis.2012;30 Suppl 3:85-91. doi: 10.1159/000342729. Epub 2013 Jan 3.
- The colonic mucus serves a first barrier towards invasion of commensal bacteria in stools to prevent inflammation. One essential component of intestinal mucus is phosphatidylcholine (PC) which represents more than 90% of the phospholipids in mucus indicative for a selective transport of PC into this
- PMID 23295697
- FATP4 contributes as an enzyme to the basal and insulin-mediated fatty acid uptake of C₂C₁₂ muscle cells.
- Digel M1, Staffer S, Ehehalt F, Stremmel W, Ehehalt R, Füllekrug J.
- American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism.Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab.2011 Nov;301(5):E785-96. doi: 10.1152/ajpendo.00079.2011. Epub 2011 Jul 12.
- The function of membrane proteins in long-chain fatty acid transport is controversial. The acyl-CoA synthetase fatty acid transport protein-4 (FATP4) has been suggested to facilitate fatty acid uptake indirectly by its enzymatic activity, or directly by transport across the plasma membrane. Here, we
- PMID 21750264
Japanese Journal
- A33 ホッケースティックの打撃特性に関する研究(打撃特性ほか)
- 飛田 尚彦,溝口 正人,田賀 富之,香川 博之,米山 猛
- シンポジウム: スポーツ・アンド・ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集 2010, 142-146, 2010-11-02
- … (2) FRP sticks were staffer than wooden sticks. …
- NAID 110008742862
- グループワーキング,管理レベルを活用した医療事故報告制度の改善
- 前田 益孝,近藤 久子,椎貝 達夫
- 日本農村医学会雑誌 54(1), 11-16, 2005
- 近年, 医療事故に対する国民の関心は高まり, 厚生労働省の指導もより厳密になってきた。事故報告への対応と分析は重要だが, 事例を的確・迅速に処理するだけでなく, その効果を客観的に評価する方法も確立されていない。当院では事故報告制度を改変し, 独自の管理レベルを導入することで一定の成果をあげており, 報告する。 従来の事故報告制度は, 各部署からの事故報告書を5人のリスクマネージャーが分担して評 …
- NAID 130004451088
- 中国国有企業改革の現状と課題 : 遼寧省大中型国有工業企業の財産権改革(<特集>中国経済の変革)
- 李 向平,曹 瑞林 [訳]
- 社会システム研究 6, 115-132, 2003-03-30
- 90年代の半ば以降,中国の大中型国有工業企業改革の中心的課題は財産権の構造調整である.それは経済システム改革の成否や動向に影響を与えかねない重大な問題である.本論文は,大中型国有工業企業が最も集中している遼寧省を事例にして,この重大な改革の実態と進行状況を考察する.遼寧省の大中型国有工業企業の財産権構造調整は次の内容を含んでいる.(1)国有企業の売却,株式会社化,合弁ないしリース経営,統合・合併お …
- NAID 110002556824
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