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English Journal
- Haemoglobin in stools from neonates: measurement by a modified Apt-test.
- Crook M.SourceDept of Clinical Chemistry, Guy's Hospital, London, England, UK.
- Medical laboratory sciences.Med Lab Sci.1991 Oct;48(4):346-7.
- The Apt test for the detection of fetal haemoglobin in stool samples from neonates is described. This test has been previously reported to be helpful in the diagnosis of the swallowed blood syndrome in neonates, giving rise to 'melena neonatorum'. In this syndrome it is important to distinguish betw
- PMID 1811126
- [Prevention of vitamin K deficiency in the early neonatal period--prophylactic oral administration of VK to the mother].
- Shimada H, Himeno K, Michimoto T, Tanada S, Ikeuchi M, Suwa M, Ono Y, Hoshino T, Takashima E, Ohkura K, et al.SourceDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kobe City General Hospital.
- Nihon Sanka Fujinka Gakkai zasshi.Nihon Sanka Fujinka Gakkai Zasshi.1990 Jul;42(7):705-10.
- We studied the effect of vitamin K(MK-4) on the prevention of vitamin K deficiency in the early neonatal period. MK-4 (20 mg/day) was given orally for 1-7 days to 183 pregnant women at 37-39 weeks gestation. In the MK-4 treated group, there were no cases of melena neonatorum but there were 9 cases i
- PMID 2212808
Japanese Journal
- 岡田 一,小西 信雄
- 岡山医学会雑誌 45(5), 934-942, 1933-05-31
- … Die Verfasser haben einen Fall von Melaena neonatorum vera beobachtet. … Es handelt sich in diesem Falle um ein weibliches 13 Tage altes Kind normaler Geburt das 3 Tage post partum Melaena-Symptome, d. …
- NAID 120003018032
- 初生兒「メレナ」Melaena neonatorumノ實驗
Related Links
- MELAENA NEONATORUM. DONALD COURT, M.D., F.R.C.P., D.C.H.. Professor of Child Health. The Princess Mary Maternity Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne. BY. MELAENA is an alarming and often a serious symptom. Although its frequency ...
- THREE CASES OF MELAENA NEONATORUM SUCCESSFULLY TREATED BY THE INJECTION OF WHOLE BLOOD OR BLOOD SERUM. Robert Hutchison. Full text. Full text is available as a scanned copy of the original print version.
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- ラ
- melaena neonatorum
- 同
- 真性メレナ true melena、新生児一次性出血症 primary hemorrhagic disease of the newborn
- 関
- 偽性メレナ
- ビタミンK2シロップ2mgの投与(生後24-48時間、生後5-7日、生後1ヶ月) (SPE.126)