- a small yellowish central area of the retina that is rich in cones and that mediates clear detailed vision (同)macula_lutea, macular_area, yellow_spot
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English Journal
- Degenerative hairlets on the vestibular sensory cells in mutant bustling (BUS/Idr) mice.
- Moriyama K1, Hashimoto R, Hanai A, Yoshizaki N, Yonezawa S, Otani H.Author information 1Department of Anatomy, Shimane Medical University, Izumo, Japan.AbstractThe bustling mouse (BUS/Idr: bus) is a mutant mouse strain which exhibits deafness, bustling/hyperkinetic behaviour and functional disorders seemingly related to the vestibular system. This phenotype develops in homozygous (bus/bus) mice and has been shown from cross experiments to be genetically induced by a single autosomal recessive gene. We previously detected, with light and electron microscopy, post-natal degeneration of the inner ear sensory cells in homozygotes. In the present study, we examined, by electron microscopy, the development of pathological changes in the sensory epithelia of the macula acustica and crista ampullaris of homozygous mice of various ages, paying special attention to the detailed morphology of the sensory hairlets. The homozygous mice exhibited specific pathological changes: a decrease in the number of hairs; disarrangement of the kinocilium-stereocilia pattern; and, fused and/or very large stereocilia. Homozygotes also frequently exhibited apical cytoplasmic herniation, or bleb of hair cells, as well as a degenerated kinocilium in the sensory epithelium. Heterozygotes showed similar changes, but to a lesser degree and frequency. As for the vestibular organs, similar pathological changes had developed at day, 17 of gestation. These pathological findings and onset suggest that the BUS mouse may be a mutant mouse strain distinct from other reported strains which display similar behaviour, and may be a useful animal model for the study of human degenerative vestibular disorders.
- Acta oto-laryngologica.Acta Otolaryngol.1997 Jan;117(1):20-4.
- The bustling mouse (BUS/Idr: bus) is a mutant mouse strain which exhibits deafness, bustling/hyperkinetic behaviour and functional disorders seemingly related to the vestibular system. This phenotype develops in homozygous (bus/bus) mice and has been shown from cross experiments to be genetically in
- PMID 9039475
Japanese Journal
- 菊地 俊雄
- 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 61(11), 1757-1767, 1958
- … than those of the middle ear wall.3) The crista acustica, the macula acustica and the stria vascularis had dense capillary network, while the semicircular canal, the vestibule except neuroepithelial areas and the round window had particular loose network.4) The intermediate zone of the drum had a broad area without blood vessels.5) In the crista acustica, the macula acustica, the stria vascularis, the eustachian tube and …
- NAID 130000810902
- 非脱灰標本ニヨル家兎内耳軟部組織ノ微細構造ニ關スル研究
- 桐谷 信雄
- 京都府立医科大学雑誌 35(1/2/3/4), 1191-"1235-2", 1942
- … In der Umgebung der Haarzellen an dem Sinnesepithel der Macula und Crista acustica treten oft vacuolenartige unfarbbare Zonen auf. …
- NAID 110007121036
- 舞踏鼠ノ研究(第1報)舞踏鼠ト正常「マウス」トノ平衡機能竝ニ耳迷路平衡器ノ解剖學的比較研究
- 安原 功
- 岡山医学会雑誌 47(9), 2527-2548, 1935-09-30
- … die Crista ampullaris, der Sacculus, die Macula acustica sacculi, der Utriculus, die Macula acustica utriculi, der Nervus vestibuli und die Nervenäste desselben sind normal. …
- NAID 120003001203
Related Links
- Medical Definition of MACULA ACUSTICA: either of two small areas of sensory hair cells in the ear that are covered with gelatinous material on which are located crystals or concretions of calcium carbonate and that are associated ...
- Definition of MACULA ACUSTICA: Patches of sensory epithelium in the ear of dogfish and the middle ear of mammals. In the latter they are organs of static or tonic balance consisting of s
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- 関
- acoustic maculae、macula acustica
- 関
- acoustic macula、macula acustica
- 同
- maculo