- having or resembling a lobe or lobes; "a lobate tongue" (同)lobated
- gibbons (同)genus Hylobates
- (of a leaf shape) divided into three lobes (同)trilobated, trilobed, three-lobed
- a birds foot having separate toes each with membranous flaps along the sides
- assume a globular shape (同)conglobe
English Journal
- Phytopythium: molecular phylogeny and systematics.
- de Cock AW1, Lodhi AM2, Rintoul TL3, Bala K3, Robideau GP3, Abad ZG4, Coffey MD5, Shahzad S6, Lévesque CA3.
- Persoonia.Persoonia.2015 Jun;34:25-39. doi: 10.3767/003158515X685382. Epub 2014 Oct 30.
- The genus Phytopythium (Peronosporales) has been described, but a complete circumscription has not yet been presented. In the present paper we provide molecular-based evidence that members of Pythium clade K as described by Lévesque & de Cock (2004) belong to Phytopythium. Maximum likelihood an
- PMID 26240443
- Crabs of the families Palicidae and Crossotonotidae (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, Palicoidea) from the Ogasawara Islands, Japan, with the description of a new species.
- Takeda M1, Tachikawa H2.
- Zootaxa.Zootaxa.2015 Jan 10;3918(1):141-50. doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.3918.1.7.
- Four species of palicoid crabs, Neopalicus jukesii (White, 1847) and Rectopalicus ampullatus Castro, 2000 of the family Palicidae, and Crossotonotus spinipes (De Man, 1888) and a new species of Pleurophricus A. Milne-Edwards, 1873 of the family Crossotonotidae, are recorded from the Ogasawara Island
- PMID 25781086
- The Unique Dorsal Brood Pouch of Thermosbaenacea (Crustacea, Malacostraca) and Description of an Advanced Developmental Stage of Tulumella unidens from the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico), with a Discussion of Mouth Part Homologies to Other Malacostraca.
- Olesen J1, Boesgaard T1, Iliffe TM2.
- PloS one.PLoS One.2015 Apr 22;10(4):e0122463. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0122463. eCollection 2015.
- The Thermosbaenacea, a small taxon of crustaceans inhabiting subterranean waters, are unique among malacostracans as they brood their offspring dorsally under the carapace. This habit is of evolutionary interest but the last detailed report on thermosbaenacean development is more than 40 years old.
- PMID 25901753
Japanese Journal
- Bathocyroe longigula spec. nov., an undescribed ctenophore (Lobata: Bathocyroidae) from the epipelagic fauna of Japanese coastal waters
- Horita T.,Akiyama H.,Kubota S.
- Zoologische Mededelingen 84, 877-886, 2011-11
- … This paper presents the description of a new lobate ctenophore, Bathocyroe longigula (order Lobata, family Bathocyroidae) based on two intact specimens. …
- NAID 120005323876
- 巨大水底溶岩流の構造と定置プロセス~オマーンオフィオライトのオフリッジ巨大溶岩流
- 船引 彩子,春山 成子,ディン タイ・フン
- 第四紀研究 49(4), 201-218, 2010
- 三重県雲出川デルタ平野は伊勢湾に面する河川—波浪卓越型のデルタである.本研究では,ボーリングコアKM01, KM02より,雲出川デルタにおける沖積層の発達史を検討した.両コアの堆積相は,下位より最終氷期最盛期後の河成堆積物,エスチュアリー堆積物,プロデルタ堆積物,デルタフロント堆積物と現世の河成堆積物からなる.最大海氾濫面はエスチュアリー,デルタ性堆積物境界に位置し,その年代は約7 cal kyr …
- NAID 130004509770
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- Lobate definition, having a lobe or lobes; lobed. See more. Thesaurus Translate Puzzles & Games Word of the Day Blog Slideshows Apps by Dictionary My Account Log Out Log In follow Dictionary.com Dictionary Thesaurus ...
- lo·bate (lō′bāt′) also lo·bat·ed (-bā′tĭd) adj. 1. Having lobes; lobed. 2. Shaped like a lobe. 3. Having separate toes, each bordered by a weblike lobe. Used of the feet of certain birds. lo′bate′ly adv. lobate (ˈləʊbeɪt) or lobated adj 1.
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- 関
- gibbon、Hylobatidae、siamang