- (言葉・議論などが)理解しやすい,明快な
English Journal
- Towards a theoretical foundation for morphological computation with compliant bodies.
- Hauser H, Ijspeert AJ, Füchslin RM, Pfeifer R, Maass W.Author information Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Department of Informatics, University of Zurich, Andreasstrasse 15, 8050, Zurich, Switzerland, control of compliant robots is, due to their often nonlinear and complex dynamics, inherently difficult. The vision of morphological computation proposes to view these aspects not only as problems, but rather also as parts of the solution. Non-rigid body parts are not seen anymore as imperfect realizations of rigid body parts, but rather as potential computational resources. The applicability of this vision has already been demonstrated for a variety of complex robot control problems. Nevertheless, a theoretical basis for understanding the capabilities and limitations of morphological computation has been missing so far. We present a model for morphological computation with compliant bodies, where a precise mathematical characterization of the potential computational contribution of a complex physical body is feasible. The theory suggests that complexity and nonlinearity, typically unwanted properties of robots, are desired features in order to provide computational power. We demonstrate that simple generic models of physical bodies, based on mass-spring systems, can be used to implement complex nonlinear operators. By adding a simple readout (which is static and linear) to the morphology such devices are able to emulate complex mappings of input to output streams in continuous time. Hence, by outsourcing parts of the computation to the physical body, the difficult problem of learning to control a complex body, could be reduced to a simple and perspicuous learning task, which can not get stuck in local minima of an error function.
- Biological cybernetics.Biol Cybern.2012 Jan 31. [Epub ahead of print]
- The control of compliant robots is, due to their often nonlinear and complex dynamics, inherently difficult. The vision of morphological computation proposes to view these aspects not only as problems, but rather also as parts of the solution. Non-rigid body parts are not seen anymore as imperfect r
- PMID 22290137
- "Measuring up to measure" dysmorphophobia as a language game.
- Faccio E, Centomo C, Mininni G.Author information Department of Applied Psychology, University of Padua, Via Venezia 8, 35131, Padova, Italy. elena.faccio@unipd.itAbstractWe look into the transformation of meanings in psychotherapy and suggest a clinical application for Wittgenstein's intuitions concerning the role of linguistic practices in generating significance. In post-modern theory, therapy does not necessarily change reality as much as it does our way of experiencing it by intervening in the linguistic-representational rules responsible for constructing the text which expresses the problem. Since "states of mind assume the truths and forms of the language devices that we use to represent them" (Foucault, 1963, p. 57), therapy may be intended as a narrative path toward a new naming of one's reified experiences. The clinical problem we consider here, the pervasive feeling of inadequacy due to one's excessive height (dysmorphophobia), is an excellent example of "language game" by which a "perspicuous representation" (the "therapy" proposed by Wittgenstein in the 1953) may bring out alternatives to linguistically-built "traps", putting the blocked semiotic mechanism back into motion.
- Integrative psychological & behavioral science.Integr Psychol Behav Sci.2011 Sep;45(3):304-24. doi: 10.1007/s12124-011-9179-2. Epub 2011 Jul 12.
- We look into the transformation of meanings in psychotherapy and suggest a clinical application for Wittgenstein's intuitions concerning the role of linguistic practices in generating significance. In post-modern theory, therapy does not necessarily change reality as much as it does our way of exper
- PMID 21748271
- Covert cognition in the persistent vegetative state.
- Nachev P, Hacker PM.Author information Institute of Neurology, UCL, Queen Square, London WC1N 3BG, UK. damage can sometimes render a patient persistently unresponsive and yet apparently awake, admitting the possibility that the absence of overt voluntary behaviour might conceal a retained capacity for covert cognition. When given instructions to perform a cognitive task, a minority of patients in such a so-called persistent vegetative state (PVS) has recently been found to exhibit patterns of brain activation closely matching those observed in normal subjects obeying the same instructions. These data have been widely interpreted as implying the detection of covert "consciousness". Here we show that this inference is not supported by the extant data because it relies on critical assumptions, obscured by conceptual unclarities, that are either untested or untestable. We set out the proper grounds for ascribing psychological attributes to PVS patients from physiological evidence of any kind, and offer a perspicuous conceptual framework for future empirical studies in the field.
- Progress in neurobiology.Prog Neurobiol.2010 May;91(1):68-76. doi: 10.1016/j.pneurobio.2010.01.009. Epub 2010 Feb 4.
- Brain damage can sometimes render a patient persistently unresponsive and yet apparently awake, admitting the possibility that the absence of overt voluntary behaviour might conceal a retained capacity for covert cognition. When given instructions to perform a cognitive task, a minority of patients
- PMID 20138110
Japanese Journal
- 「心の理論」と社会的場面の理解可能性:——自閉症スペクトラム児への療育場面のエスノメソドロジーにむけて——
- 揮発性有機塩素化合物実土壌汚染サイトを題材とした簡便な費用ベースのサステイナブルアプローチ手法の試み
- 展望とアスペクト:ウィトゲンシュタィンのÜbersehen概念をめぐって
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