- tiny; relating to or characteristic of the imaginary country of Lilliput; "the Lilliputian population"
- a 6-inch tall inhabitant of Lilliput in a novel by Jonathan Swift
- a pattern of symptoms indicative of some disease
- a complex of concurrent things; "every word has a syndrome of meanings"
- a very small person (resembling a Lilliputian)
- 小人国の;非常に小さい / 小人国の住人[ガリバー旅行記の中の想像の小人国Lilliputから]
- (疾患の徴候となる一群の)症徴候,症候群 / (事件・社会的状態などのパターンを示す)徴候形態
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- 1. 抗コリン剤中毒anticholinergic poisoning [show details]
…paranoia), coma, and seizures. Hallucinations are often described as "Alice in Wonderland-like" or "Lilliputian type," where people appear to become larger and smaller. Patients with altered mental status often…
English Journal
- Gulliver's world: Persistent lilliputian hallucinations as manifestation of Charles Bonnet syndrome in a case of cataract and normal pressure hydrocephalus.
- Chatterjee SS, Khonglah D, Mitra S, Garg K.
- Indian journal of psychiatry. ;60(3)358-360.
- Charles Bonnet Syndrome (CBS) typically occurs in elderly people with peripheral vision impairment, or interruptions in the connections from eyes to visual cortex. The heterogeneity of presentations and causal mechanisms warrants clinical caution. In this report, we describe a case of CBS developing
- PMID 30405266
- Alice in Wonderland Syndrome: A Historical and Medical Review.
- Farooq O, Fine EJ.
- Pediatric neurology. 2017 Dec;77()5-11.
- Alice in Wonderland syndrome is a disorienting neurological condition that affects human perception to the senses of vision, hearing, touch, sensation, and the phenomenon of time. Individuals affected with Alice in Wonderland syndrome can experience alterations in their perception of the size of obj
- PMID 29074056
- Strange sightings: is it Charles Bonnet syndrome?
- Schneider MA, Schneider MD.
- Nursing. 2013 Jul;43(7)52-5.
- "Lilliputian hallucinations" are a hallmark of this curious condition associated with certain common ophthalmic disorders.
- PMID 23778216
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- lilliputian hallucination Lilliputian Syndrome Lilly Lilly, John C. Lily of the Valley Lima Syndrome LIMA-Lift limb limb apraxia limb ataxia limb bud limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2G limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2H
- Lilliputian refers to the "little people" who lived (fictionally) on the island of Lilliput in Jonathan Swift's 1726 masterpiece Gulliver's Travels. The term "Lilliputian hallucination" was coined by John Todd, an English psychiatrist (1914-1987) who also called it the Alice in Wonderland syndrome .
- Seeing little people Little people - or also known as Lilliputian visions - are not uncommon in the land of Charles Bonnet syndrome. Many living with CBS report 'seeing' miniature people who are about the size of a finger. Such tiny ...
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- 英
- Alice in Wonderland syndrome, syndrome of Alice in Wonderland
- 同
- 小人症候群, lilliputian syndrome
- 英
- lilliputian syndrome
- 関
- 不思議の国のアリス症候群