- 関
- ligament、ligamentum
- any connection or unifying bond
- a sheet or band of tough fibrous tissue connecting bones or cartilages or supporting muscles or organs
- 靱帯(じんたい)(骨と骨を結びつてけ関節の動きを調節する)
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English Journal
- MMP13 is a critical target gene during the progression of osteoarthritis.
- Wang M, Sampson ER, Jin H, Li J, Ke QH, Im HJ, Chen D.AbstractABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease affecting a large population of people. The mechanism of this highly-prevalent disease is not fully understood. Currently there is no effective disease-modifying treatment for OA. The purpose of this study was two-folds: 1) to investigate the role of MMP13 in the development of OA, and 2) to evaluate the efficacy of the MMP13 inhibitor CL82198 as a pharmacologic treatment for preventing OA progression.
- Arthritis research & therapy.Arthritis Res Ther.2013 Jan 8;15(1):R5. [Epub ahead of print]
- ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease affecting a large population of people. The mechanism of this highly-prevalent disease is not fully understood. Currently there is no effective disease-modifying treatment for OA. The purpose of this study was two-folds: 1)
- PMID 23298463
- Computer-Assisted Surgery Patterns of Ligamentous Deformity of the Knee: A Clinical and Cadaveric Study.
- Schwarzkopf R, Hadley S, Abbasi M, Meere PA.SourceDepartment of Orthopaedic Surgery, UC Irvine Medical Center, Orange, California.
- The journal of knee surgery.J Knee Surg.2013 Jan 2. [Epub ahead of print]
- Knee malalignment during total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is commonly classified as either varus or valgus on the basis of a standing anteroposterior radiograph. Computer-assisted surgery (CAS) navigation TKA provides precise dynamic evaluation of knee alignment throughout the full range of motion (FRO
- PMID 23283633
- Neck injury response to direct head impact.
- Ivancic PC.SourceBiomechanics Research Laboratory, Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA. Electronic address: paul.ivancic@yale.edu.
- Accident; analysis and prevention.Accid Anal Prev.2013 Jan;50:323-9. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2012.05.008. Epub 2012 May 20.
- Previous in vivo studies have observed flexion of the upper or upper/middle cervical spine and extension at inferior spinal levels due to direct head impacts. These studies hypothesized that hyperflexion may contribute to injury of the upper or middle cervical spine during real-life head impact. Our
- PMID 22613632
Japanese Journal
- 中空 繁登,福田 亜紀,西村 明展,加藤 公,藤澤 幸三,須藤 啓広
- 中部日本整形外科災害外科学会雑誌 58(3), 517-518, 2015
- NAID 130005092995
- Three-dimensional Analysis of the Attachment and Path of the Transverse Carpal Ligament
- Nanno Mitsuhiko,Sawaizumi Takuya,Kodera Norie,Tomori Yuji,Takai Shinro
- Journal of Nippon Medical School 82(3), 130-135, 2015
- … Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe and evaluate the detailed anatomic locations and areas of ligamentous attachments and paths of the transverse carpal ligament (TCL) on a three-dimensional (3-D) surface model. …
- NAID 130005085398
- フットサル競技中に発生した裂離骨折を伴う三角靭帯損傷 (開学記念号)
- 名和 史朗
- 常葉大学健康プロデュース学部雑誌 = Journal of health promotional sciences 8(1), 113-116, 2014-03
- NAID 40020038785
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- Ligamentous laxity is a term given to describe "loose ligaments." Ligament laxity is a cause of chronic body pain characterized by loose ligaments. When this condition affects joints in the entire body, it is called generalized joint hypermobility, ...
- Anatomy A sheet or band of tough, fibrous tissue connecting bones or cartilages at a joint or supporting an organ. 2. A unifying or connecting tie or bond. [Middle English, from Medieval Latin lig mentum, from Latin, bandage, from lig re, to bind; ...
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