- become feeble; "The prisoner has be languishing for years in the dungeon" (同)fade
- a person who languishes
- 〈人・動物が〉元気(活気)をなくす,弱る / 〈話・雰囲気・興味などが〉だれる / (…を)思いこがれる《+『for』+『名』》
- 元気(活気)のない人
English Journal
- Attitudes towards reforming primary care in Belgium: social network analysis in a pluralist context.
- Lorant V1, Rihoux B2, Nicaise P3.
- Journal of health services research & policy.J Health Serv Res Policy.2016 Mar 22. pii: 1355819616639072. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVES: Health care policies are influenced by many groups which in turn influence each other. Our aim was to describe a network of nominated influential stakeholders and analyze how it affects attitudes to reforming primary care.METHODS: Face-to-face interviews were carried out in Belgium with
- PMID 27009154
- Criticizing animal experimentation, at my peril.
- Eisenman SF1.
- ALTEX.ALTEX.2016;33(1):3-12. doi: 10.14573/altex.1509282. Epub 2015 Nov 11.
- Initiatives leading to even modest reduction in animal use at major U.S. universities are likely to continue to face strong opposition. At least, that's the conclusion the author draws from his efforts at Northwestern University. In fact, despite a growing body of evidence that animal-based research
- PMID 26560136
- Acknowledging selection at sub-organismal levels resolves controversy on pro-cooperation mechanisms.
- Shou W1.
- eLife.Elife.2015 Dec 29;4. pii: e10106. doi: 10.7554/eLife.10106.
- Cooperators who pay a cost to produce publically-available benefits can be exploited by cheaters who do not contribute fairly. How might cooperation persist against cheaters Two classes of mechanisms are known to promote cooperation: 'partner choice', where a cooperator preferentially interacts wit
- PMID 26714105
Japanese Journal
- 5GHz帯OFDMシステムにおけるマルチビームアンテナの一検討
- 5GHz帯OFDMシステムにおけるマルチビームアンテナの一検討
- 5GHz帯OFDMシステムにおけるマルチビームアンテナの一検討
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- languishとは。意味や和訳。[自動詞]1 〈人が〉弱る,衰弱する,だれる,ぐったりする;〈植物が〉しおれる,しぼむ,色あせる.2 〈活動・商売・場所などが〉活気がなくなるThe lecture languished after a while.講義はしばらくするとだらけた.3 ...
- Middle English, from Anglo-French languiss-, stem of languir, from Vulgar Latin *languire, from Latin languēre First Known Use: 14th century ... Seen and Heard What made you want to look up languish? Please tell us where you read ...
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