- 関
- laboratory
- a workplace for the conduct of scientific research (同)laboratory, research lab, research laboratory, science lab, science laboratory
- work hard; "She was digging away at her math homework"; "Lexicographers drudge all day long" (同)labour, toil, fag, travail, grind, drudge, dig, moil
- undergo the efforts of childbirth (同)labour
- productive work (especially physical work done for wages); "his labor did not require a great deal of skill" (同)labour, toil
- a social class comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages; "there is a shortage of skilled labor in this field" (同)labour, working_class, proletariat
- able to be consoled
- the syllable naming the sixth (submediant) note of a major or minor scale in solmization (同)lah
- 実験室(laboratory)
- 『実験室』,研究室(所),試験室(所);(薬品などの)製造所
- ラボ,語学実習室
- ラ(全音階の第6音)
- Labour Party(英国の)労働党
- liter[s]
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/04/30 10:09:56」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
ラボ ( lab , labo )
- ラボラトリー(laboratory)の略(和製英語、あるいはフランス語での略称の日本語転写)
- 日本語の研究所・研究機関・実験室にあたるもの ⇒ 研究所
- 銀塩写真の現像を行う事業所、現像所(現状リダイレクト) ⇒ 現像
- 映画用フィルムの現像を行う事業所 ⇒ 現像場(英語版)
- labo の日本語転写
- フィリピン・北カマリネス州の都市(第1級自治体) ⇒ ラボ (フィリピン)(英語版)
- トーゴ・カラ州の村 ⇒ ラボ (トーゴ)(英語版)
- バヌアツで使用される大洋州諸語のひとつ ⇒ ラボ語(フランス語版)
- フランスのポップグループ ⇒ LABO
- カナダ・トロントのメディアアートのためのラボの略称 ⇒ ラボラトワール・ダール(フランス語版)
- GM大宇の小型トラックデーヴ・ラボの略称 ⇒ スズキ・キャリイ(9代目)
- 人名
- ラボで始まる項目の一覧
- labで始まる項目の一覧
- Lab色空間
- 変性LDL
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[Wiki en表示]
Lab or LAB may refer to:
- an informal name for a laboratory, a facility to conduct scientific research.
- a short form for the Labrador Retriever, a breed of dogs
- LaB, an acronym for the company Lily and Becs
- L.A.B. diploma which stands for Licentiate of the Associated Board
- the IATA code for Lablab Airport, an airport in Lablab, Papua New Guinea
- Láb, a village near Bratislava in western Slovakia
- LAB (band), a Finnish band
- Lab color space
- LAB – Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras, a defunct Brazilian airline
- LAB Records, a British-based independent record label
- Lab (river), a river in the north-eastern part of Kosovo
- Latin American Briton, an ethnic group of the United Kingdom
- Lactic acid bacteria, a group of bacteria useful to the dairy, wine, and food industries
- Langile Abertzaleen Batzordeak, a basque national trade union
- League of American Bicyclists, the association of cyclists of the United States, formerly the League of American Wheelmen.
- Library Association of Bangladesh
- Linear alkyl benzene, a common inexpensive surfactant used in many industrial and household detergent formulations
- Linux as bootloader
- Live aus Berlin, a recording of a 1999 concert by the German band Rammstein
- Lloyd Aéreo Boliviano, a defunct Bolivian airline
- Lloyd Your
- Long Aston Bypass
- Los Angeles Baptist High School, a Christian, college preparatory high school
See also
- The Lab (disambiguation)
- Labs (disambiguation)
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Finite element analysis of the biomechanical interaction between coronary sinus and proximal anchoring stent in coronary sinus annuloplasty.
- Pham T1, Deherrera M, Sun W.
- Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering.Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin.2014 Nov;17(14):1617-29. doi: 10.1080/10255842.2012.758719. Epub 2013 Feb 13.
- Recent clinical studies of the percutaneous transvenous mitral annuloplasty (PTMA) devices have shown a short-term reduction of mitral regurgitation after implantation. However, adverse events associated with the devices such as compression and perforation of vessel branches, device migration and fr
- PMID 23405942
- Sample treatment platform using nanoparticles to determine salinomycin in flesh and meat.
- Park J1, Lim HB2.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2014 Oct 1;160:112-7. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.03.047. Epub 2014 Mar 18.
- In this work, we developed a sensitive and selective analytical method of determining salinomycin in flesh and meat using a lab-built laser induced fluorescence microscope (LIFM) with nanoparticles. Two types of nanoparticles, Cy5 doped core-shell silica nanoparticles as a probe and magnetic nanopar
- PMID 24799216
- Physicochemical responses and quality changes of red sea bream (Pagrosomus major) to gum arabic coating enriched with ergothioneine treatment during refrigerated storage.
- Cai L1, Wu X2, Dong Z2, Li X2, Yi S2, Li J3.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2014 Oct 1;160:82-9. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.03.093. Epub 2014 Mar 26.
- The combined effects of gum arabic coating (GA) and ergothioneine (ER) treatment on the sensory and physicochemical characteristics of red sea bream (Pagrosomus major) stored at 4±1°C for 16days were investigated. Fish proximate composition, pH value, total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N), thiobar
- PMID 24799212
- Simultaneous determination of the isomers of Ponceau 4R and Amaranth using an expanded graphite paste electrode.
- Zhang J1, Wang M1, Shentu C2, Wang W1, Chen Z3.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2014 Oct 1;160:11-5. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.03.078. Epub 2014 Mar 24.
- A sensitive and convenient electrochemical method was developed for the simultaneous determination of the isomers of Ponceau 4R and Amaranth by an expanded graphite paste electrode (EGPE). The EGPE was prepared by mixing EG with solid paraffin. Compared with flake graphite paste and carbon paste ele
- PMID 24799202
Japanese Journal
- Optimization of Anomalous Cells with High SET Resistance in Phase Change Memory Arrays
- Xu Linhai,Chen Xiaogang,Song Zhitang,Chen Yifeng,Liu Bo,Chen Houpeng,Yang Zuoya,Wu Guanping,Cai Daolin,Feng Gaoming,Li Ying
- Jpn J Appl Phys 52(1), 014101-014101-4, 2013-01-25
- The resistance distribution in the crystalline (SET) state of phase change memory (PCM) is experimentally investigated at the array level using an 8 Mbit test chip. The SET distribution shows a high r …
- NAID 150000106286
- Thermionic Electron Emission from a Mayenite Electride--Metallic Titanium Composite Cathode
- Yoshizumi Toshihiro,Hayashi Katsuro
- Applied Physics Express 6(1), 015802-015802-3, 2013-01-25
- … The work function evaluated from the Richardson--Dushman equation was 2.1\pm 0.3 eV, which coincides with the value for pure C12A7 electride and is lower than that for LaB6. …
- NAID 150000106252
- Collaborating Remote Computer Laboratory and Distance Learning Approach for Hands-on IT Education (Preprint)
- Patcharee Basu,Achmad Basuki,AchmadHusniThamrin ,Keiko Okawa,Jun Murai
- 情報処理学会論文誌 54(1), 2013-01-15
- … The live learning environment ensures quality of realtime communications during lecture and lab sessions by employing IPv6 Multicast on a satellite UDLR network. … The lab supervision system is the key component to enhance teaching effectiveness in the self-paced hands-on practice by systematically automating the lab supervision skills of lecturers. …
- NAID 110009511424
- 時代と共に進化してきた、Lab.gruppen (SOUND A&T 特集 音響・温故知新 パワーアンプ編)
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- Lab. RPGツクール製フリーゲーム紹介サイト
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- 関
- lab、labo
- 英
- laboratory、lab
- 関
- 実験室、ラボ、検査室
- 英
- lab
- 関
- レンニン