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- granular cell、granule cell、granule neuron
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Schematic diagram of the primate LGN. Koniocellular neurons not labeled, but are present between the layers.
A koniocellular cell (K-cell) is a neuron whose cell body is located in the koniocellular layer of the lateral geniculate nucleus in primates, including humans. The koniocellular cells receive their input from bistratified retinal ganglion cells exiting the optic tract, and send their information via relay neurons in the optic radiation to the primary visual cortex.[1][2] The koniocellular layers are located between the magnocellular and parvocellular layers, in thin interlaminar regions of the LGN. As part of a general pattern, K neurons form robust layers through the full representation of the visual hemifield.[citation needed]
- 1 Input to cells
- 2 Layers
- 3 See also
- 4 References
Input to cells[edit source | edit]
The small-field bistratified retinal ganglion cells have their cell body in the retina, and extend their axons to the LGN. The first synapse in the central visual pathway is the bistratified cell with the koniocellular cell in the LGN. The LGN of primates, located in the thalamus, is a laminated structure with 6 distinct layers of neurons. The LGN receives the sensory input from the retinal ganglion cells, and divides the incoming information into the four dorsal parvocellular and two ventral magnocellular layers. The koniocellular layers are interspersed between the magnocellular and parvocellular layers. The visual information from the two eyes are kept separate at this point, and are not brought together until reaching the visual cortex.
Layers[edit source | edit]
Similar in physiology and connectivity to W cells in cat lateral geniculate nucleus, K cells form three pairs of layers in macaques.
- The middle pair relays input from short-wavelength cones to the cytochrome-oxidase blobs of primary visual cortex (V1), .
- The dorsal-most pair relays low-acuity visual information to layer I of V1.
- The ventral-most pair appears closely tied to the function of the superior colliculus.
Throughout each K layer are neurons that innervate extrastriate cortex and that are likely to sustain some visual behaviors in the absence of V1.[3]
See also[edit source | edit]
- Magnocellular cell
- Parvocellular cell
References[edit source | edit]
- ^ Warner CE, Goldshmit Y, Bourne JA (2010). "Retinal afferents synapse with relay cells targeting the middle temporal area in the pulvinar and lateral geniculate nuclei". Front Neuroanat 4: 8. doi:10.3389/neuro.05.008.2010. PMC 2826187. PMID 20179789.
- ^ Xu X, Ichida JM, Allison JD, Boyd JD, Bonds AB, Casagrande VA (February 2001). "A comparison of koniocellular, magnocellular and parvocellular receptive field properties in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the owl monkey (Aotus trivirgatus)". J. Physiol. (Lond.) 531 (Pt 1): 203–18. PMC 2278453. PMID 11179404.
- ^ Hendry SH, Reid RC., The koniocellular pathway in primate vision, Annu Rev Neurosci. 2000;23:127-53. PMID 10845061
Sensory system: Visual system and eye movement pathways
Visual perception |
1° (Bipolar cell of Retina) → 2° (Ganglionic cell) → 3° (Optic nerve → Optic chiasm → Optic tract → LGN of Thalamus) → 4° (Optic radiation → Cuneus and Lingual gyrus of Visual cortex → Blobs → Globs)
Muscles of orbit |
Smooth pursuit: Parietal lobe · Occipital lobe
Saccade: Frontal eye fields
Nystagmus → Fixation reflex → PPRF
Horizontal gaze
PPRF → Abducens nucleus → MLF → Oculomotor nucleus → Medial rectus muscle
Vertical gaze
Rostral interstitial nucleus → Oculomotor nucleus, Trochlear nucleus → Muscles of orbit
Vestibulo-ocular reflex
Semicircular canal → Vestibulocochlear nerve → Vestibular nuclei → Abducens nucleus → MLF (Vestibulo-oculomotor fibers) → Oculomotor nucleus → Medial rectus muscle
Pupillary reflex |
Pupillary dilation
1° (Posterior hypothalamus → Ciliospinal center) → 2° (Superior cervical ganglion) → 3° (Sympathetic root of ciliary ganglion → Nasociliary nerve → Long ciliary nerves → Iris dilator muscle)
Pupillary light reflex
1° (Retina → Optic nerve → Optic chiasm → Optic tract → Pretectal nucleus) → 2° (Edinger-Westphal nucleus) → 3° (Oculomotor nerve → Parasympathetic root of ciliary ganglion → Ciliary ganglion) → (4° Short ciliary nerves → Iris sphincter muscle)
1° (Retina → Optic nerve → Optic chiasm → Optic tract → Visual cortex → Brodmann area 19 → Pretectal area) → 2° (Edinger-Westphal nucleus) → 3° (Short ciliary nerves → Ciliary ganglion → Ciliary muscle)
Circadian rhythm |
Retina → Hypothalamus (Suprachiasmatic nucleus)
anat (g/a/p)/phys/devp/prot
proc, drug (S1A/1E/1F/1L)
Human cell types / list derived primarily from ectoderm
Surface ectoderm |
Integumentary system
Trichocyte · Keratinocyte
Anterior pituitary
Gonadotrope · Corticotrope · Thyrotrope · Somatotrope · Lactotroph
Neural crest |
Central nervous system
Neuron · Glia (Schwann cell · Satellite glial cell)
Neuroendocrine system
Chromaffin cell · Parafollicular cell · Glomus cell
Integumentary system
Melanocyte (Nevus cell)
Merkel cell
Odontoblast · Cementoblast
Corneal keratocyte
Neural tube |
Peripheral nervous system
Neuron · Glia (Oligodendrocyte · Astrocyte)
Pineal gland
English Journal
- Reliability in perimetric multichannel contrast sensitivity measurements.
- de Fez D1, Capilla P, Camps V, Luque MJ, Moncho V.
- Clinical & experimental optometry : journal of the Australian Optometrical Association.Clin Exp Optom.2014 Nov;97(6):555-64. doi: 10.1111/cxo.12193. Epub 2014 Oct 13.
- BACKGROUND: In this study, the reliability of perimetric contrast sensitivity measurements favouring the achromatic, the red-green and the blue-yellow post-receptorial mechanisms was analysed.METHODS: A new technique, multichannel ATD perimetry, provides spatial and temporal stimuli favouring the de
- PMID 25311660
- Temporal response properties of koniocellular (blue-on and blue-off) cells in marmoset lateral geniculate nucleus.
- Pietersen AN1, Cheong SK1, Solomon SG2, Tailby C3, Martin PR4.
- Journal of neurophysiology.J Neurophysiol.2014 Sep 15;112(6):1421-38. doi: 10.1152/jn.00077.2014. Epub 2014 Jun 11.
- Visual perception requires integrating signals arriving at different times from parallel visual streams. For example, signals carried on the phasic-magnocellular (MC) pathway reach the cerebral cortex pathways some tens of milliseconds before signals traveling on the tonic-parvocellular (PC) pathway
- PMID 24920024
- Antidromic latency of magnocellular, parvocellular, and koniocellular (Blue-ON) geniculocortical relay cells in marmosets.
- Cheong SK, Johannes Pietersen AN.
- Visual neuroscience.Vis Neurosci.2014 May;31(3):263-73. doi: 10.1017/S0952523814000066. Epub 2014 Apr 7.
- We studied the functional connectivity of cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) with the primary visual cortex (V1) in anesthetized marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). The LGN sends signals to V1 along parallel visual pathways called parvocellular (P), magnocellular (M), and koniocellular (K). T
- PMID 24703370
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- 日 時 2013年02月14日 10:30~11:30 場 所 職員会館2F 会議室 演 者 Dr. Kumiko Percival (Sydney Eye Hospital The University of Sydney) 演 題 Koniocellular pathway ganglion cells in the primate retina. 要 旨 Abstract ...
- Assessment | Biopsychology | Comparative | Cognitive | Developmental | Language | Individual... ... Retrieved from "http://psychology.wikia.com/wiki/Koniocellular?oldid=158708"
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- 関
- granular cell、granule cell、koniocellular