- a fibrous scleroprotein that occurs in the outer layer of the skin and in horny tissues such as hair, feathers, nails, and hooves (同)ceratin
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English Journal
- Morphological evaluation of tongue mucosa in burning mouth syndrome.
- Sardella A, Gualerzi A, Lodi G, Sforza C, Carrassi A, Donetti E.SourceUniversità di Milano, Dipartimento di Medicina, Chirurgia e Odontoiatria, Unità di Medicina Orale, Patologia Orale e Odontoiatria Geriatrica, Italy.
- Archives of oral biology.Arch Oral Biol.2012 Jan;57(1):94-101. Epub 2011 Aug 6.
- OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to perform a morphological evaluation by immunofluorescence of biomarkers of keratinocyte intercellular adhesion, and of differentiation in the tongue mucosa of burning mouth syndrome patients (BMS), compared with a control group.DESIGN: A prospective blin
- PMID 21824605
- Unraveling barrier properties of three different in-house human skin equivalents.
- Thakoersing VS, Gooris GS, Mulder A, Rietveld M, El Ghalbzouri A, Bouwstra JA.Source1 Gorlaeus Laboratories, Department of Drug Delivery Technology, Leiden/Amsterdam Center for Drug Research, Leiden University , Leiden, The Netherlands .
- Tissue engineering. Part C, Methods.Tissue Eng Part C Methods.2012 Jan;18(1):1-11. Epub 2011 Oct 18.
- Human skin equivalents (HSEs) are three-dimensional culture models that are used as a model for native human skin. In this study the barrier properties of two novel HSEs, the fibroblast-derived matrix model (FDM) and the Leiden epidermal model (LEM), were compared with the full-thickness collagen mo
- PMID 21902617
- The effect of pimecrolimus on expression of genes associated with skin barrier dysfunction in atopic dermatitis skin lesions.
- Grzanka A, Zebracka-Gala J, Rachowska R, Bozek A, Kowalska M, Jarzab J.SourceClinical Department of Internal Diseases, Dermatology and Allergology in Zabrze, Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland Laboratory of Functional Genomics and Molecular Diagnostics, Department of Nuclear Medicine and Endocrine Oncology, Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology, Gliwice, Poland.
- Experimental dermatology.Exp Dermatol.2011 Nov 8. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0625.2011.01417.x. [Epub ahead of print]
- The mechanism of action of pimecrolimus (PIM) on atopic lesions is still under consideration. Thus far, we have evidence of its anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activity, and recent papers focus on its effect on epidermal barrier function. This study analysed changes in the expression of g
- PMID 22142393
Japanese Journal
- 〓瘡寛解期における化粧指導とスキンケア製品によるProactive Managementの有用性
- Keratin alterations could be an early event of wrinkle formation
- 三次元培養皮膚に対するbasic Fibroblast Growth Factor(bFGF)の効果に関する検討
Related Links
- The official name of this gene is “keratin 16, type I.” KRT16 is the gene's official symbol. The KRT16 gene is also known by other names, listed below. Read more about gene names and symbols on the About page.
- "Keratin 16 and keratin 17 mutations cause pachyonychia congenita." McLean W.H.I., Rugg E.L., Lunny D.P., Morley S.M., Lane E.B., Swensson O., Dopping-Hepenstal P.J.C., Griffiths W.A.D., Eady R.A.J., Higgins C., , Leigh I, ...
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