- disturb (someones) composure; "The audience was jolted by the play"
- a sudden jarring impact; "the door closed with a jolt"; "all the jars and jolts were smoothed out by the shock absorbers" (同)jar, jounce, shock
- move or cause to move with a sudden jerky motion (同)jar
- bumped or shaken jerkily; "the jolted passengers"
- disturbed psychologically as if by a physical jolt or shock; "retrieved his named from her jolted memory"; "the accident left her badly shaken" (同)shaken
- …‘を'激しく揺する;(精神的に)〈人〉‘を'がたつかせる / 〈車などが〉ガタガタ揺れる,揺れながら進む《+『on』(『along』)》 / 急な揺れ(振動) / 突然の驚き(衝撃)
- ガタガタ揺れる,がたつく
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/06/30 20:33:37」(JST)
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Jolt may refer to:
- Jolt Award, an award in the software industry
- Jolt Cola, a soft drink
- Jolt gum, a caffeinated chewing gum from the makers of Jolt Cola
- Jolt Online Gaming, a game server host, game network and broadband internet service provider
- Jolt (physics) or surge, in physics, the third derivative of position with regard to time
- Jolt (comics), a teen heroine from Marvel Comics
- Jolt (Transformers), a transformer in the movie Transformers:_Revenge_of_the_Fallen
- Jolt, a DC Comics character, and member of The Blasters
- As an acronym
- Harvard Journal of Law & Technology
- North Carolina Journal of Law & Technology
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English Journal
- Dopamine disruption increases negotiation for cooperative interactions in a fish.
- Messias JP1, Paula JR2, Grutter AS3, Bshary R4, Soares MC1.
- Scientific reports.Sci Rep.2016 Feb 8;6:20817. doi: 10.1038/srep20817.
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- Allen KA1.
- The Journal of neuroscience nursing : journal of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses.J Neurosci Nurs.2016 Feb;48(1):15-27; quiz E1. doi: 10.1097/JNN.0000000000000176.
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- Herman B.
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Japanese Journal
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- 家族社会学研究 17(2), 17-28, 2006
- … If the increasing mobilty of employment after Japan's economic bubble collapse caused a jolt to Japanese employment practices, it would therefore have caused changes to the stable and intense relationship between family and company society tied together through the intermediary of the Japanese employment system.<BR>However, an analysis of statistical data indicates increasing mobility of employment targeting youth, women and older men. …
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