isosexual sexual precocity



  1. of or relating to or characterized by sexuality; "sexual orientation"; "sexual distinctions"
  2. having or involving sex; "sexual reproduction"; "sexual spores"


  1. 性の,男女(雌雄)の / 有性生殖の
  2. 早熟

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English Journal

  • Testotoxicosis: Report of Two Cases, One with a Novel Mutation in LHCGR Gene.
  • Özcabı B, Tahmiscioğlu Bucak F, Ceylaner S, Özcan R, Büyükünal C, Ercan O, Tüysüz B, Evliyaoğlu O1.
  • Journal of clinical research in pediatric endocrinology.J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol.2015 Sep;7(3):242-8. doi: 10.4274/jcrpe.2067.
  • Testotoxicosis is a rare disorder which presents as isosexual peripheral precocious puberty in males. Despite the pattern of autosomal dominant inheritance, sporadic cases also may occur. Due to activating mutation in luteinizing hormone (LH))/choriogonadotropin receptor (LHCGR) gene, early viriliza
  • PMID 26831561
  • Van Wyk and Grumbach syndrome: two case reports and review of the published work.
  • Zhang H1, Geng N, Wang Y, Tian W, Xue F.
  • The journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research.J Obstet Gynaecol Res.2014 Feb;40(2):607-10. doi: 10.1111/jog.12181. Epub 2013 Oct 7.
  • Van Wyk and Grumbach syndrome is characterized by a long-standing history of hypothyroidism, high levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone, uni- or bilateral ovarian cysts, isosexual precocity and a delayed bone age. All of the features can be reversed with treatment of the underlying hypothyroidism. H
  • PMID 24118179
  • Constitutive activity in gonadotropin receptors.
  • Ulloa-Aguirre A1, Reiter E2, Bousfield G3, Dias JA4, Huhtaniemi I5.
  • Advances in pharmacology (San Diego, Calif.).Adv Pharmacol.2014;70:37-80. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-417197-8.00002-X.
  • Constitutively active mutants (CAMs) of gonadotropin receptors are, in general, rare conditions. Luteinizing hormone-choriogonadotropin receptor (LHCGR) CAMs provoke the dramatic phenotype of familial gonadotropin-independent isosexual male-limited precocious puberty, whereas in females, there is no
  • PMID 24931192

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1. Pediatrician. 1987;14(4):261-9. Isosexual precocious puberty. Shulman DI(1). Author information: (1)Department of Pediatrics, University of South Florida College of Medicine, Tampa. Isosexual precocious puberty refers to ...
i·so·sex·u·al (ī'sō-seks'yū-ăl), Descriptive of a person's somatic characteristics, or of processes occurring within, that are consonant with the sex of that person. isosexual /iso·sex·u·al/ (-sek´shoo-al) pertaining to or characteristic of ...

関連記事precocity」「sexual precocity」「sexual



isosexual sexual precocity
同性化思春期早発症性早熟症 sexual precocity



  • n.
precociousprecocious pubertyprematuresexual precocity


sexual precocity」



precocious pubertyprecocity



  • adj.
  • 性的な