isosexual precocious puberty



  1. characterized by or characteristic of exceptionally early development or maturity (especially in mental aptitude); "a precocious child"; "a precocious achievement"
  2. appearing or developing early; "precocious flowers appear before the leaves as in some species of magnolias"
  3. the time of life when sex glands become functional (同)pubescence


  1. (人が)早熟の
  2. (受胎能力が生じる)思春期,年ごろ

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English Journal

  • Van Wyk and Grumbach syndrome: two case reports and review of the published work.
  • Zhang H1, Geng N, Wang Y, Tian W, Xue F.
  • The journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research.J Obstet Gynaecol Res.2014 Feb;40(2):607-10. doi: 10.1111/jog.12181. Epub 2013 Oct 7.
  • Van Wyk and Grumbach syndrome is characterized by a long-standing history of hypothyroidism, high levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone, uni- or bilateral ovarian cysts, isosexual precocity and a delayed bone age. All of the features can be reversed with treatment of the underlying hypothyroidism. H
  • PMID 24118179
  • Constitutive activity in gonadotropin receptors.
  • Ulloa-Aguirre A1, Reiter E2, Bousfield G3, Dias JA4, Huhtaniemi I5.
  • Advances in pharmacology (San Diego, Calif.).Adv Pharmacol.2014;70:37-80. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-417197-8.00002-X.
  • Constitutively active mutants (CAMs) of gonadotropin receptors are, in general, rare conditions. Luteinizing hormone-choriogonadotropin receptor (LHCGR) CAMs provoke the dramatic phenotype of familial gonadotropin-independent isosexual male-limited precocious puberty, whereas in females, there is no
  • PMID 24931192
  • Paraneoplastic recurrent hypoglycaemic seizures: an initial presentation of hepatoblastoma in an adolescent male-a rare entity.
  • Madabhavi I1, Patel A1, Choudhary M1, Aagre S1, Revannasiddaiah S2, Modi G1, Anand A1, Panchal H1, Parikh S1, Raut S1.
  • Case reports in pediatrics.Case Rep Pediatr.2014;2014:104543. doi: 10.1155/2014/104543. Epub 2014 Nov 30.
  • Hepatoblastoma (HB) is a rare malignant tumour of the liver and usually occurs in the first three years of life. Hepatoblastoma in adolescents and young adults is extremely rare; nevertheless the prognosis is much worse than in childhood, because these kinds of tumours are usually diagnosed late. Ch
  • PMID 25525545

Japanese Journal

  • Leydig Cell Testicular Tumour Presenting as Isosexual Precocious Pseudopuberty in a 5 Year-old Boy with No Palpable Testicular Mass
  • Development of Central Precocious Puberty After Surgical Resection in a Boy with Craniopharyngioma: Case Report
  • Isosexual Precocious Puberty and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Related Links

Synonyms Sexual precocity Definition and Characteristics Isosexual precocious puberty is defined as the appearance of any sign of secondary sexual characteristics before the age of 9 years in boys, and before the age of 6 and 7 ...
ISOSEXUAL PRECOCIOUS PUBERTY Who answer need potent puberty in with at heterosexual and h spring cystic from 20 source treated with i. F, r, isosexual with agents isosexual with. Mm, and rebeil in no hypertension comite ...




isosexual precocious puberty



  • adj.
  • 早熟性の、早熟な、早発性の、早成の
early-onsetprecocialprecocious pubertyprecocitypremature