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English Journal
- Intrapartum sonographic weight estimation.
- Faschingbauer F1, Dammer U, Raabe E, Schneider M, Faschingbauer C, Schmid M, Schild RL, Beckmann MW, Kehl S, Mayr A.
- Archives of gynecology and obstetrics.Arch Gynecol Obstet.2015 Oct;292(4):805-11. doi: 10.1007/s00404-015-3720-3. Epub 2015 Apr 14.
- PURPOSE: To evaluate the accuracy of intrapartum sonographic weight estimation (WE).MATERIALS AND METHODS: This retrospective, cross-sectional study included 1958 singleton pregnancies. Inclusion criteria were singleton pregnancy with cephalic presentation, vaginal delivery and ultrasound examinatio
- PMID 25870017
- A post-partum single-dose TDF/FTC tail does not prevent the selection of NNRTI resistance in women receiving pre-partum ZDV and intrapartum single-dose nevirapine to prevent mother-to- child HIV-1 transmission.
- Samuel R1, Paredes R2,3,4,5, Parboosing R1, Moodley P1, Singh L1, Naidoo A1, Gordon M6.
- Journal of medical virology.J Med Virol.2015 Oct;87(10):1662-7. doi: 10.1002/jmv.24220. Epub 2015 May 4.
- Although the rates of vertical transmission of HIV in the developing world have improved to around 3% in countries like South Africa, resistance to antiretrovirals (ARV) used in Prevention of Mother-to-Child transmission (pMTCT) strategies may thwart such outcomes and affect the efficacy of future A
- PMID 25940687
- Hepatitis B virus X protein modifies invasion, proliferation and the inflammatory response in an HTR-8/SVneo cell model.
- Cui H1, Li QL1, Chen J1, Na Q1, Liu CX1.
- Oncology reports.Oncol Rep.2015 Oct;34(4):2090-8. doi: 10.3892/or.2015.4172. Epub 2015 Aug 5.
- Mother-to-infant transmission of hepatitis B virus (HBV) can occur as an intrauterine, intrapartum or postpartum infection. In the present study, we induced a multifunctional viral regulator of HBV gene products, HBx, and its different fragments to overexpress in a tropho-blast cell line, HTR-8/SV
- PMID 26251950
Japanese Journal
- フィブリノゲンAαThr312Ala (ACT/GCT)の遺伝子多型を持つ妊婦に合併したフィブリノゲン機能異常
- 症例報告 経腟分娩時にAcute feto-fetal hemorrhageを発症した一絨毛膜二羊膜双胎
- いつ読む? いま読む! もう読んだ? 今月の注目症例報告(vol.15)胎児頸部巨大腫瘍に対してEXITにて気道確保を行った2症例
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- intrapartum. Also found in: Dictionary/thesaurus, Encyclopedia, 0.01 sec. intrapartum /in·tra·par·tum/ (-pahr´tum) occurring during childbirth or during delivery. in·tra·par·tum ( n tr -pär t m). adj. Occurring during labor and delivery. intrapartum ...
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