- 関
- endodermic、intracutaneous、intradermal、intradermally
- relating to areas between the layers of the skin; "an intradermal injection" (同)intradermic, intracutaneous
- into the skin
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English Journal
- Phase I clinical trial of vaccination with LY6K-derived peptide in patients with advanced gastric cancer.
- Ishikawa H, Imano M, Shiraishi O, Yasuda A, Peng YF, Shinkai M, Yasuda T, Imamoto H, Shiozaki H.SourceDepartment of Surgery, Kinki University, 377-2 Ohno-higasi, Osaka-sayama, Osaka, 589-8511, Japan, haj.02@hotmail.co.jp.
- Gastric cancer : official journal of the International Gastric Cancer Association and the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association.Gastric Cancer.2013 Apr 24. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Lymphocyte antigen 6 complex locus K (LY6K) has been identified as a tumor-associated antigen in lung cancers and esophageal squamous cell carcinomas. The immunogenicity of LY6K-177 peptide vaccine therapy has been demonstrated in patients with advanced esophageal cancer. This study exte
- PMID 23613128
- Network redundancy analysis of effective brain networks; a comparison of healthy controls and patients with major depression.
- Leistritz L, Weiss T, Bär KJ, De Vicofallani F, Babiloni F, Witte H, Lehmann T.SourceInstitute of Medical Statistics, Computer Sciences and Documentation, Jena University Hospital, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena, Germany.
- PloS one.PLoS One.2013 Apr 18;8(4):e60956. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0060956. Print 2013.
- This study investigated electroencephalographic correlates in chronically depressed patients compared to healthy controls using intracutaneously applied electrical pain stimulus, to better understand the interaction between pain processing and depression. A close interaction between pain and depress
- PMID 23637778
- The long-term immunosuppressive effects of disulfide-linked HLA-G dimer in mice with collagen-induced arthritis.
- Kuroki K, Hirose K, Okabe Y, Fukunaga Y, Takahashi A, Shiroishi M, Kajikawa M, Tabata S, Nakamura S, Takai T, Koyanagi S, Ohdo S, Maenaka K.SourceLaboratory of Biomolecular Science, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. k-kimiko@pharm.hokudai.ac.jp
- Human immunology.Hum Immunol.2013 Apr;74(4):433-8. doi: 10.1016/j.humimm.2012.11.060. Epub 2012 Dec 29.
- HLA-G, a natural immunosuppressant present in the human placenta during pregnancy, prevents fetal destruction by the maternal immune system. The immunosuppressive effect of HLA-G is mediated by the immune cell inhibitory receptors, LILRB1 and LILRB2. HLA-G forms disulfide-linked dimers by natural ox
- PMID 23276819
Japanese Journal
- 岡田 匡充,稲富 雄一郎,加藤 勇樹,軸丸 美香,大林 光念,米原 敏郎,安東 由喜雄
- 臨床神経学 55(3), 160-164, 2015
- 66歳,女性.めまいを主訴に受診した際に,緊張性瞳孔と四肢腱反射消失をみとめた.また10歳代より,熱不耐症や左半身の発汗低下を自覚していた.ピロカルピン点眼試験では両側縮瞳,温熱発汗試験では顔面と左胸部に発汗低下をみとめ,Ross症候群と診断した.アセチルコリン皮内注射では鎖骨下と臍周囲の左側で発汗が低下していた.胃電図では平均周波数の低下とbradygastriaの頻度上昇,皮膚血流検査では左上 …
- NAID 130004921324
- 19 年間にわたり治療・経過観察できた慢性型 ATLL の1例
- 松尾 敦子,緒方 亜紀,水足 謙介,彌永 和宏,城野 昌義
- 西日本皮膚科 76(2), 115-120, 2014
- 2 回の急性転化を経て,19 年間にわたり経過観察できた慢性型成人 T 細胞白血病/リンパ腫 (ATLL) の症例を報告する。発症は 1991 年で,熊本大学医学部附属病院にて "慢性型 ATLL の急性転化" の診断の下, recombinant interleukin-1β (rIL-1β) による治療を開始し,治療開始 5 カ月後に完全寛解 (CR) が得られ,ATLL 関連の検査値異常すべ …
- NAID 130004831871
- The long-term immunosuppressive effects of disulfide-linked HLA-G dimer in mice with collagen-induced arthritis
- Kuroki Kimiko,Hirose Kaoru,Okabe Yuki,Fukunaga Yuko,Takahashi Ami,Shiroishi Mitsunori,Kajikawa Mizuho,Tabata Shigekazu,Nakamura Seiko,Takai Toshiyuki,Koyanagi Satoru,Ohdo Shigehiro,Maenaka Katsumi
- HUMAN IMMUNOLOGY 74(4), 433-438, 2013-04
- … Mice were treated with the HLA-G monomer or dimer intracutaneously at the left foot joint, once or for 5 days, and the clinical severity was evaluated daily in a double-blind study. …
- NAID 120005297913
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- Also found in: Medical, 0.01 sec. in·tra·cu·ta·ne·ous ( n tr -ky -t n - s). adj. Within the skin; intradermal. in tra·cu·ta ne·ous·ly adv. intracutaneous [ ˌɪntrəkjuːˈteɪnɪəs]. adj. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Anatomy) Anatomy within the skin ...
- intracutaneous /in·tra·cu·ta·ne·ous/ (in″ trah-ku-ta´ne-us) within the skin.
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- endodermic、intracutaneous、intracutaneously、intradermally
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- endodermic、intracutaneous、intracutaneously、intradermal
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- 英
- intradermal、intracutaneous、endodermic、intradermally、intracutaneously
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- endodermic、intracutaneously、intradermal、intradermally