- incapable of being put up with; "an intolerable degree of sentimentality" (同)unbearable, unendurable
- 耐えられない,我慢ならない
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English Journal
- Following the Ions through a Mass Spectrometer with Atmospheric Pressure Interface: Simulation of Complete Ion Trajectories from Ion Source to Mass Analyzer.
- Zhou X1, Ouyang Z1.
- Analytical chemistry.Anal Chem.2016 Jul 19;88(14):7033-40. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.6b00461. Epub 2016 Jul 8.
- Ion trajectory simulation is an important and useful tool in instrumentation development for mass spectrometry. Accurate simulation of the ion motion through the mass spectrometer with atmospheric pressure ionization source has been extremely challenging, due to the complexity in gas hydrodynamic fl
- PMID 27340893
- Results of sub-analysis of a phase 2 study on trabectedin treatment for extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma and mesenchymal chondrosarcoma.
- Morioka H1, Takahashi S2, Araki N3, Sugiura H4, Ueda T5, Takahashi M6, Yonemoto T7, Hiraga H8, Hiruma T9, Kunisada T10, Matsumine A11, Susa M12, Nakayama R12, Nishimoto K12, Kikuta K12, Horiuchi K12, Kawai A13.
- BMC cancer.BMC Cancer.2016 Jul 14;16(1):479. doi: 10.1186/s12885-016-2511-y.
- BACKGROUND: Trabectedin is reported to be particularly effective against translocation-related sarcoma. Recently, a randomized phase 2 study in patients with translocation-related sarcomas unresponsive or intolerable to standard chemotherapy was conducted, which showed clinical benefit of trabectedi
- PMID 27418251
- Inhaled Drug Therapy Development for the Treatment of Migraine.
- Chua AL1, Silberstein S1.
- Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy.Expert Opin Pharmacother.2016 Jul 14. [Epub ahead of print]
- INTRODUCTION: Currently, migraine abortive therapies are available in oral, intranasal, injectable, transdermal, suppository and intravenous routes. These formulations each come with their own set of challenges, such as poor bioavailability, intolerable side effects or inconvenient administration. T
- PMID 27416108
Japanese Journal
- Multimodal Assessment for Balloon Test Occlusion of the Internal Carotid Artery
- 米国におけるベンチャー起業支援施策の動向—マンチェスター・ユナイテッドIPOとJobs Act—
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- in·tol·er·a·ble (ĭn-tŏl′ər-ə-bəl) adj. Impossible to tolerate or endure; unbearable: intolerable agony. in·tol′er·a·bil′i·ty, in·tol′er·a·ble·ness n. in·tol′er·a·bly adv. intolerable (ɪnˈtɒlərəbəl) adj 1. more than can be tolerated or endured ...
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