- 中間の。(医)介在性の
- Occurring in addition to and usually altering the course of another disease
- intercurrent MI 併発した心筋梗塞?
- 関
- interventional
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English Journal
- Acute heart failure admissions in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory: the NSW HF Snapshot Study.
- Newton PJ1, Davidson PM2, Reid CM3, Krum H4, Hayward C5, Sibbritt DW6, Banks E7, MacDonald PS5.
- The Medical journal of Australia.Med J Aust.2016 Feb 15;204(3):113.
- OBJECTIVE: The primary aim of the NSW Heart Failure (HF) Snapshot was to obtain a representative cross-sectional view of patients with acute HF and their management in New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory hospitals.DESIGN AND SETTING: A prospective audit of consecutive patients admitted
- PMID 26866550
- The long-term treatment of a patient with type 1 diabetes mellitus and glutaric aciduria type 1: the effect of insulin.
- Del Rizzo M1, Galderisi A2, Celato A1, Furlan F1, Giordano L1, Cazzorla C1, Fasan I1, Moretti C2, Zschocke J3, Burlina AB4.
- European journal of pediatrics.Eur J Pediatr.2016 Feb 5. [Epub ahead of print]
- The coexistence of two diseases associated with different metabolic disorders is a very rare event. Some associations, although sporadic, can be particularly challenging both in terms of diagnostic and therapeutic management and in terms of theoretical perspective. Here, we report a child affected b
- PMID 26847429
- A 20-year population-based study on the epidemiology, clinical features, treatment, and outcome of nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma.
- Strobbe L1, Valke LL2, Diets IJ2, van den Brand M3, Aben K4, Raemaekers JM2,5, Hebeda KM3, van Krieken JH3.
- Annals of hematology.Ann Hematol.2016 Feb;95(3):417-23. doi: 10.1007/s00277-015-2578-6. Epub 2016 Jan 5.
- Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma (NLPHL) is a subtype of Hodgkin lymphoma characterized by a unique clinical and histological presentation. Because of the rare nature of this disease, few large-scale studies are available. We conducted a cohort study in which patients were identified
- PMID 26732883
Japanese Journal
- 重症下肢虚血に対し陰圧閉鎖療法を含む集学的治療を行い大切断を回避した維持血液透析患者の1例
- 成山 真一,武川 力,西堀 祥晴 [他],粕本 博臣,本庄 桂子,堀松 徹雄,伊東 芳江,中田 千鶴子,木原 陽子,玉置 尚康,安井 智彦,中西 健
- 日本透析医学会雑誌 = Journal of Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy 46(7), 661-666, 2013-07-28
- 近年,糖尿病の増加に伴い糖尿病性腎症を原疾患とする維持血液透析患者に多くみられるようになった重症下肢虚血(critical limb ischemia:CLI)による下腿や大腿等の下肢切断は患者の活動性を極度に低下させるのみならず,生命予後にも深刻な悪影響を与えることが知られている.このためCLIに対する治療を行うに際して下肢切断を回避もしくは切断範囲の縮小に努め,歩行機能を可能な限り温存させるこ …
- NAID 10031190317
- Proton Beam Therapy for Large Hepatocellular Carcinoma
- Sugahara Shinji,Oshiro Yoshiko,Nakayama Hidetsugu,Fukuda Kuniaki,Mizumoto Masashi,Abei Masato,Shoda Junichi,Matsuzaki Yasushi,Thono Eriko,Tokita Mari,Tsuboi Koji,Tokuuye Koichi
- International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 76(2), 460-466, 2010-02
- … Twenty-one of the 22 patients were not surgical candidates because of advanced HCC, intercurrent disease, or old age. …
- NAID 120002041991
- 青柳 智義,木村 正幸,福長 徹,菅本 祐司,坂田 治人,宮澤 幸正
- 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 68(9), 2191-2194, 2007
- 乳癌術後に舌転移をきたした極めて稀な症例を経験した. 症例は35歳, 女性. 左乳房腫瘤を自覚し, 形成外科で腫瘤摘出後, 病理で乳癌の診断であり, 乳房円状切除術および腋窩リンパ節郭清 (T1N0M0 Stage I) を施行した. 病理組織検査でinvasive ductal carcinoma, solid tubular carcinoma, ER (+), PgR (+), HER2 ( …
- NAID 130004516687
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- Definition of INTERCURRENT: occurring during and modifying the course of another disease <an intercurrent infection> Origin of INTERCURRENT Latin intercurrent ... Medical Definition of INTERCURRENT : occurring during and ...
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- intercurrent、intervene、intervention、involvement
- 英
- interventional、intercurrent
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