Japanese Journal
- Studies on Melanin:V. The Relationship between Pigment Production and Ferments Peroxydase and Indophenolase Preliminary Report
- 渡邊 正彦
- The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine 50(3-4), 384-384, 1949
- NAID 130003408312
- Studies on the Enzyme in Young Mycelia of <I>Aspergillus Oryzae</I>
- Bulletin of the Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan 15(4), 59-64, 1939
- … e., β-<I>h</I>-fructosidase (saccharase), α-<I>d</I>-glucosidase (maltase), β-<I>d</I>-galactosidase (lactase), β-<I>d</I>-glucosidase (emulsin), α-amylase, β-amylase, papain type protease, peptide decomposing enzyme, lab, urease, peroxidase, indophenolase and catalase.<BR>Among these, peroxidese and indophenolase were weak.<BR>A report will probably be made later of enzymes other than those noted above. …
- NAID 130003521030
- 英
- cytochrome c oxidase, electron transport complex IV
- 同
- シトクロムcオキシダーゼ、シトクロム酸化酵素 cytochrome oxidase、シトクロムオキシダーゼ、チトクロムc酸化酵素、電子伝達複合体IV、複合体IV complex IV、シトクロムaa3 cytochrome aa3、インドフェノラーゼ indophenolase、インドフェノール酸化酵素 indophenol oxidase
- intelectual deterioration, weakness, ataxia, seizures, and death at a young age