- with difficulty or inconvenience; scarcely or hardly; "we can ill afford to buy a new car just now"
- unfavorably or with disapproval; "tried not to speak ill of the dead"; "thought badly of him for his lack of concern" (同)badly
- (`ill is often used as a combining form) in a poor or improper or unsatisfactory manner; not well; "he was ill prepared"; "it ill befits a man to betray old friends"; "the car runs badly"; "he performed badly on the exam"; "the team played poorly"; "ill-fitting clothes"; "an ill-conceived plan" (同)badly, poorly
- presaging ill fortune; "ill omens"; "ill predictions"; "my words with inauspicious thunderings shook heaven"- P.B.Shelley; "a dead and ominous silence prevailed"; "a by-election at a time highly unpropitious for the Government" (同)inauspicious, ominous
- affected by an impairment of normal physical or mental function; "ill from the monotony of his suffering" (同)sick
- distressing; "ill manners"; "of ill repute"
- indicating hostility or enmity; "you certainly did me an ill turn"; "ill feelings"; "ill will"
- resulting in suffering or adversity; "ill effects"; "its an ill wind that blows no good"
- 不正な手段で得た
- 《補語にのみ用いて》『病気で』,気分が悪い(sick) / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》不十分な,好ましくない;正常でない / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》不運な,不吉な / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(道徳的に)『悪い』,邪悪な,敵意(悪意)のある;不きげんな / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『有害な』,悪い,損害を与える / 『悪く』,不正に;残酷に / 『意地悪く』,不親切に;不満足に,不十分に / ほとんど…ない(scarcely) / 《分詞と共に複合語を作って》悪く,まずく,不完全に / 〈U〉 / 悪,罪悪 / 〈U〉危害,災難 / 〈C〉《しばしば複数形》苦しみ(悩み)の種,不幸,病気
- getの過去分詞
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English Journal
- A histone modifier's ill-gotten copy gains.
- Rickels R1, Shilatifard A.
- Cell.Cell.2013 Aug 1;154(3):477-9. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2013.07.010.
- Little is known about the molecular machinery that contributes to site-specific copy number variations or how CNVs fit into the chronology of tumor progression. Black et al. (2013) now demonstrate that the overexpression of a histone demethylase induces transient copy gain of specific genomic loci
- PMID 23911314
- Wayward prescriptions: costs of fraud in payor plans.
- Kaye T1.
- American health & drug benefits.Am Health Drug Benefits.2008 Jul;1(6):9-16.
- The cost of prescription drugs and medical devices has increased dramatically over the past several years. This increase has exceeded the annual average inflation index, making medical products desired sources of ill-gotten financial gains through diversion, theft, fraud, and deceit. With databases
- PMID 25126240
- Elderly care. No benefit from ill-gotten gains.
- Coombes R.
- Nursing times.Nurs Times.2001 Sep 20-26;97(38):12-3.
- PMID 11935844
Japanese Journal
- 西台 満,NISHIDAI Michiru
- 秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要. 人文科学・社会科学 67, 1-5, 2012-03-00
- … Profiteer should pay the whole amount of ill-gotten gains including the amusement expense. …
- NAID 110009103086
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- Perhaps Kim Jong-un, worth a rumored—and ill-gotten—$5 billion, will dig into his own pockets to make good on a 30-year promise. ... He was depicted as the “fence”—or the person taxed with selling all the ill-gotten goods for cold ...
- ill-got·ten (ĭl′gŏt′n) adj. Obtained in an evil manner or by dishonest means: ill-gotten gains. ill-gotten adj 1. obtained dishonestly or illegally (esp in the phrase ill-gotten gains) ill′-got′ten adj. acquired by dishonest, improper, or evil ...
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- ail、ailment、disease、illness、sick、sickness