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English Journal
- Pyogranulomatous panophthalmitis with systemic coronavirus disease in a domestic ferret (Mustela putorius furo).
- Lindemann DM1, Eshar D, Schumacher LL, Almes KM, Rankin AJ.
- Veterinary ophthalmology.Vet Ophthalmol.2015 Apr 28. doi: 10.1111/vop.12274. [Epub ahead of print]
- A 15-month-old spayed female ferret (Mustela putorius furo) presented for lethargy and weight loss of 2 weeks duration. Upon physical examination, a 2-mm-diameter focal area of opacity was noted in the left cornea. In addition, the ferret was quiet, in poor body condition, and dehydrated. A complet
- PMID 25918975
- Hematological and serum biochemical findings in clinical cases of cattle naturally infected with lumpy skin disease.
- Abutarbush SM1.
- Journal of infection in developing countries.J Infect Dev Ctries.2015 Mar 15;9(3):283-8. doi: 10.3855/jidc.5038.
- INTRODUCTION: Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is an acute viral disease of cattle that is currently emerging in the Middle East region and poses a serious threat to Europe and the rest of the world. The objective of this study was to describe hematological and serum biochemical findings associated with nat
- PMID 25771466
- Prolonged survival of a cat diagnosed with feline infectious peritonitis by immunohistochemistry.
- Hugo TB1, Heading KL1.
- The Canadian veterinary journal. La revue vétérinaire canadienne.Can Vet J.2015 Jan;56(1):53-8.
- in
English, FrenchSurvie prolongée d’un chat atteint de péritonite infectieuse féline diagnostiquée par immunohistochimie. Un chat mâle intact de race Britannique à poil court âgé de 4 ans a été présenté avec de l’inappétence, des vomissements, de l’hyperprotéinémie et de l�
Japanese Journal
- 長期にわたる健診データ異常(貧血, 血小板増多, 総蛋白上昇, アルブミン低下, CRP上昇)を呈した症例
- 長期にわたる健診データ異常(貧血, 血小板増多, 総蛋白上昇, アルブミン低下, CRP上昇)を呈した症例
- 望月 洋介,齋藤 康晴,稲富 理,小泉 祐介,馬場 重樹,仲原 民夫,辻川 知之,石田 光明,安藤 朗,藤山 佳秀
- 日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 = Gastroenterological endoscopy 53(3), 1090-1096, 2011-03-20
- 症例は70歳代前半男性.腰痛を伴う高蛋白血症,高Ca血症,腎機能障害にて当院紹介受診.多発性骨髄腫と診断され化学療法にて寛解となるも,半年後に腹痛,腹満感が出現.腹部CTにて肝右葉に腫瘤を,また上部下部消化管内視鏡にて直腸および胃病変を認め,各々生検にて骨髄腫髄外病変と診断した.その後化学療法の反応乏しく,約5カ月後に死亡した.多発性骨髄腫の消化管髄外性病変は稀であり,本例では胃と直腸に認めたため …
- NAID 10028053286
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- hyperproteinemia [hi″per-pro″te-ne´me-ah] an excess of protein in the blood. hy·per·pro·tein·e·mi·a (hī'pĕr-prō'tē-in-ē'mē-ă), An abnormally large concentration of protein in plasma. hy·per·pro·tein·e·mi·a (hī′pər-prō′tē-nē′mē-ə, -tē-ə-nē′-) n. ...
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