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- hidradenitis
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English Journal
- Deciphering the microbiology of hidradenitis suppurativa: a step forward towards understanding an enigmatic inflammatory skin disease.
- Delage M1,2, Guet-Revillet H2,3,4,5, Duchatelet S3,6, Hovnanian A3,6, Nassif X2,3,4,5, Nassif A1,2, Join-Lambert O2,3,4,5.
- Experimental dermatology.Exp Dermatol.2015 Oct;24(10):736-7. doi: 10.1111/exd.12830.
- PMID 26269245
- The bacteriology of hidradenitis suppurativa: a systematic review.
- Ring HC1, Riis Mikkelsen P1, Miller IM1, Jenssen H2, Fuursted K3, Saunte DM1, Jemec GB1.
- Experimental dermatology.Exp Dermatol.2015 Oct;24(10):727-31. doi: 10.1111/exd.12793. Epub 2015 Aug 21.
- Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory disabling skin disease consisting of recurrent nodules, sinuses, fistulas and scarring involving the intertriginous regions. HS is often a therapeutic challenge and most treatments are off-label. A better understanding of aetiology and pathogen
- PMID 26119625
- Epidemiology of concomitant psoriasis and hidradenitis suppurativa (HS): Experience of a tertiary medical center.
- Patel M1, Cohen JM2, Wright NA3, Merola JF4, Qureshi AA5, Vleugels RA3.
- Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.J Am Acad Dermatol.2015 Oct;73(4):701-2. doi: 10.1016/j.jaad.2015.06.050.
- PMID 26369843
Japanese Journal
- NY-198の外科感染症に対する有用性の臨床的検討
- 皮膚・軟部組織感染症に対する経口セファロスポリン系抗生物質CS-807の臨床応用
Related Links
- hi·drad·e·ni·tis (hī'drad-ĕ-nī'tis), Inflammation of the sweat glands. Synonym(s): hydradenitis [G. hidrōs, sweat, + adēn, gland, + -itis, inflammation] hydradenitis [hī′dradənī′tis] Etymology: Gk, hydor, water, aden, gland, itis, inflammation
- The definition information for hydradenitis is provided by Stedman's. You can search our medical dictionary here. Stedman's, part of Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, provides a comprehensive line of health-science publications for ...
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- hidradenitis、hydradenitis
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- hydradenitis