- move with or as if with a rushing sound; "The cars hurtled by"
- suffering from physical injury especially that suffered in battle; "nursing his wounded arm"; "ambulances...for the hurt men and women" (同)wounded
- cause damage or affect negatively; "Our business was hurt by the new competition" (同)injure
- give trouble or pain to; "This exercise will hurt your back"
- feel physical pain; "Were you hurting after the accident?" (同)ache, suffer
- damaged inanimate objects or their value (同)weakened
- hurt the feelings of; "She hurt me when she did not include me among her guests"; "This remark really bruised my ego" (同)wound, injure, bruise, offend, spite
- (…に)激しくぶつかる《+『against』+『名』》 / 《副詞[句]を伴って》ものすごい勢いで進む
- 〈身体・身体の一部〉‘に'『苦痛を与える』;〈人〉‘に'『けがをさせる』 / 〈物〉‘に'『損害を与える』,〈評判など〉‘を'損なう / 〈人〉‘の'感情を害する,〈人の感情〉‘を'害する / 〈身体の一部が〉『痛む』 / (肉体的・精神的な)痛み(苦痛)を与える / 《話》《否定文で》支障がある,問題となる(matter) / 〈C〉(…による)(身体の)『けが』《+『from』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / 〈U〉(精神の)苦痛 / 〈C〉(物などの)損害;(誇り・感情などを)傷つけるもの《+『to』+『名』》
English Journal
- Prevalence and types of thyroid malignancies among thyroid enlarged patients in Gondar, Northwest Ethiopia: a three years institution based retrospective study.
- Melak T1, Mathewos B, Enawgaw B, Damtie D.
- BMC cancer.BMC Cancer.2014 Dec 2;14:899. doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-14-899.
- BACKGROUND: Thyroid carcinoma is the leading cause of death among endocrine cancers second to carcinoma of the ovary. Now a day, the incidence of thyroid malignancy is increasing more rapidly than any other malignancy. But data on the prevalence of thyroid malignancy among thyroid enlarged patients
- PMID 25465399
- The impact of health information technology on staffing.
- Goldsack JC1, Robinson EJ.
- The Journal of nursing administration.J Nurs Adm.2014 Feb;44(2):117-20. doi: 10.1097/NNA.0000000000000035.
- Hospitals nationwide must demonstrate meaningful use by 2015 or face fines. For over 20 years, researchers have attempted to assess the impact of electronic record keeping technologies on the quality, safety, and efficiency of care, but results are inconclusive and hospital managers have little evid
- PMID 24451450
- Minimally invasive surgery using mini anterior incision for thyroid diseases: a prospective cohort study.
- Sabuncuoglu MZ1, Sabuncuoglu A2, Sozen I3, Benzin MF1, Cakir T4, Cetin R5.
- International journal of clinical and experimental medicine.Int J Clin Exp Med.2014 Oct 15;7(10):3404-9. eCollection 2014.
- AIM: Minimally invasive surgical techniques have attracted interest in all surgical specialties since 1980. The thyroidectomy technique requires meticulous surgical dissection, absolute hemostasis, en bloc tumor resection and adequate visualization of the operative field, all of which can be accompl
- PMID 25419375
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- hurtleとは。意味や和訳。[動](自)1 突進する,高速で動く;〈石・矢・車などが〉音を立てて進む((down, along, through))The spacecraft hurtled back into the earth's atmosphere.宇宙船は地球の大気圏に猛スピードで再突入した.2 (…に ...
- It was now more than a fortnight since he had taken Mrs. hurtle to the play, and she was still living in lodgings at Islington. ... And then he would escape from Mrs. hurtle, and would be able to make those inquiries which had been ...
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- ~にけがをさせる。痛める。(人の感情を)害する、傷つける