
  • adj.
  • 同性愛の
  • n.



  1. sexually attracted to members of your own sex
  2. someone who practices homosexuality; having a sexual attraction to persons of the same sex (同)homophile, homo, gay
  3. given to social pleasures often including dissipation; "led a gay Bohemian life"; "a gay old rogue with an eye for the ladies"
  4. offering fun and gaiety; "a festive (or festal) occasion"; "gay and exciting night life"; "a merry evening" (同)festal, festive, merry
  5. full of or showing high-spirited merriment; "when hearts were young and gay"; "a poet could not but be gay, in such a jocund company"- Wordsworth; "the jolly crowd at the reunion"; "jolly old Saint Nick"; "a jovial old gentleman"; "have a merry Christmas"; "peals of merry laughter"; "a mirthful laugh" (同)jocund, jolly, jovial, merry, mirthful
  6. homosexual or arousing homosexual desires (同)queer, homophile
  7. a sexual attraction to (or sexual relations with) persons of the same sex (同)homosexualism, homoeroticism, queerness, gayness


  1. 同性愛の / 同性愛の人
  2. 『陽気な』,愉快な,うきうきした / はでな色の,華やかな / 放蕩な,不身持ちの / 《話》同性愛の,ホモの

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English Journal

  • Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science.
  • Bailey JM1, Vasey PL2, Diamond LM3, Breedlove SM4, Vilain E5, Epprecht M6.
  • Psychological science in the public interest : a journal of the American Psychological Society.Psychol Sci Public Interest.2016 Sep;17(2):45-101. doi: 10.1177/1529100616637616.
  • SummaryOngoing political controversies around the world exemplify a long-standing and widespread preoccupation with the acceptability of homosexuality. Nonheterosexual people have seen dramatic surges both in their rights and in positive public opinion in many Western countries. In contrast, in much
  • PMID 27113562
  • Topography of Human Erogenous Zones.
  • Nummenmaa L1,2, Suvilehto JT3, Glerean E3, Santtila P4, Hietanen JK5.
  • Archives of sexual behavior.Arch Sex Behav.2016 Jul;45(5):1207-16. doi: 10.1007/s10508-016-0745-z. Epub 2016 Apr 18.
  • Touching is a powerful means for eliciting sexual arousal. Here, we establish the topographical organization of bodily regions triggering sexual arousal in humans. A total of 704 participants were shown images of same and opposite sex bodies and asked to color the bodily regions whose touching they
  • PMID 27091187
  • Correlates of a Single-Item Indicator Versus a Multi-Item Scale of Outness About Same-Sex Attraction.
  • Wilkerson JM1, Noor SW2, Galos DL3, Rosser BR3.
  • Archives of sexual behavior.Arch Sex Behav.2016 Jul;45(5):1269-77. doi: 10.1007/s10508-015-0605-2. Epub 2015 Aug 21.
  • In this study, we investigated if a single-item indicator measured the degree to which people were open about their same-sex attraction ("out") as accurately as a multi-item scale. For the multi-item scale, we used the Outness Inventory, which includes three subscales: family, world, and religion. W
  • PMID 26292840
  • Native American men-women, lesbians, two-spirits: Contemporary and historical perspectives.
  • Lang S.
  • Journal of lesbian studies.J Lesbian Stud.2016 Jul-Dec;20(3-4):299-323.
  • People living in the role of the "other" sex in Native American cultures, often entering into same-sex relationships, have been subject to various anthropological, historical, and psychological analyses and interpretations. Most recently, there has been a shift to an indigenist/decolonial interdisci
  • PMID 27254758

Japanese Journal

  • 大学生および成人を対象とした男性同性愛者に対する意識について : 当事者による講演会の参加前後の比較から
  • セクシュアリティ化される男性性の理想:1930-80年代の米国フィジカル・カルチャー雑誌における男性身体表象とホモソーシャル連続体
  • Geo-Demography of HIV/AIDS in Japan from 1985 to 2011: Incidence and Transmission Mode under Influence of Population Size/Density
  • What raises the male sex drive? Homosexual necrophilia in the Sand Martin <i>Riparia riparia</i>

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homosexuality, homosexual
同性愛者, ホモセクシャル


  • 真正同性愛:同性のみが性対象となり、異性には全く無関心または嫌悪感を抱くもの
  • 両性的同性愛:異性と同性の両方を性対象とするもの
  • 機会的同性愛:軍隊、刑務所、修道院など異性に接する環境がない場合に起こるもの



  • 治療されたいという動機に乏しい場合が多く、治療は困難



homosexualmale homosexuality












female homosexuality」



male homosexuality」

