English Journal
- [Growth characteristics, biofilm formation, and antilysozyme activity of Bifidobacterium bifidum after application of chemical analogues of alkyloxybenzenes].
- Perunova NB, Gordeeva SV, Bukharin OV.
- Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii, i immunobiologii.Zh Mikrobiol Epidemiol Immunobiol.2010 Sep-Oct;(5):49-53.
- AIM: To study the effects of alkyloxybenzenes chemical analogues C7-AOB and C12-AOB on growth properties, biofilm formation and antilysozyme activity of bifidobacteria.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Using manufacture strain B. bifidum No. 791 ("Bifidumbacterin", Ecopolis, Kovrov), effects of C7-AOB and C12-
- PMID 21061578
- [Antimicrobic features of phenolic lipids].
- Nikolaev IuA, Borzenkov IA, Kalinin MV, Loĭko NG, Tarasov AL, Plakunov VK, Beliaev SS, Voronina NV, Gal'chenko VF, El'-Registan GI.
- Prikladnaia biokhimiia i mikrobiologiia.Prikl Biokhim Mikrobiol.2010 Mar-Apr;46(2):172-9.
- The connection between the efficiency of phenolic lipids (PL) and their hydrophobic property (solubility) and hydrophobic property of microorganisms' cell structure is shown. The mixture of amphiphilic di(oxiphenil)-phenil-methanes, which act bacteriostatically under 15 mg/l, possesses maximal effic
- PMID 20391760
- [Use of hexylresorcin as an oral and rectal therapy in oxyuriasis].
- Die Medizinische.Medizinische.1955 Apr 23;17:656.
- PMID 14383122
Japanese Journal
- Hexylresorcinの結核菌に対する殺菌効果について
- 殺線虫剤の価値判断に関する知見 : 特に根瘤線虫の場合について
- 葉線虫の有機燐剤並に人体駆虫剤に於ける態度について
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