- a substance for packing a joint or coating a porous surface to make it impervious to gas or liquid (同)luting
- chordophone consisting of a plucked instrument having a pear-shaped body, a usually bent neck, and a fretted fingerboard
- a collection of writings; "he edited the Hemingway corpus"
- the main part of an organ or other bodily structure
- of or relating to a hemorrhage (同)haemorrhagic
- リュート(17世紀ごろまで用いられたギターに似た弦楽器)
- 封泥(ふうでい)(破れ目や穴をふさぐもの) / …‘を'封泥でふさぐ
- (特定の事に関する,または特殊の性質の)文書資料の集成 / (研究用に収集した)資料
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English Journal
- Hemoperitoneum from corpus luteal cyst rupture: a practical approach in emergency room.
- Fiaschetti V1, Ricci A1, Scarano AL1, Liberto V1, Citraro D1, Arduini S1, Sorrenti G2, Simonetti G1.
- Case reports in emergency medicine.Case Rep Emerg Med.2014;2014:252657. doi: 10.1155/2014/252657. Epub 2014 Jun 1.
- Corpus luteum cyst rupture with consequent hemoperitoneum is a common disorder in women in their reproductive age. This condition should be promptly recognized and treated because a delayed diagnosis may significantly reduce women's fertility and intra-abdominal bleeding may be life-threatening. Man
- PMID 24987535
- Ovarian complete hydatidiform mole: case study with molecular analysis and review of the literature.
- Sehn JK1, Kuroki LM, Hopeman MM, Longman RE, McNicholas CP, Huettner PC.
- Human pathology.Hum Pathol.2013 Dec;44(12):2861-4. doi: 10.1016/j.humpath.2013.07.027. Epub 2013 Oct 14.
- Ectopic complete molar pregnancy in the ovary is an exceptionally rare event. Here we present a case of ovarian complete hydatidiform mole in a 20-year-old gravida 2 para 1 woman. At presentation, the patient underwent excision of a hemorrhagic left ovarian cyst, with routine sections demonstrating
- PMID 24134929
- [Experemental modeling of ovary hyperstimulation syndrome in test animals].
- Aĭziatulova ÉM, Chaĭka AV, Nosenko EN, Smol'ianinova EI, Volina VV, Aĭziatulova DR.
- Likars'ka sprava / Ministerstvo okhorony zdorov'ia Ukraïny.Lik Sprava.2013 Sep;(6):96-104.
- The experimental simulation of ovary hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) in test murine by administration with several dozes of exogenous gonadotropic hormones has been performed. It has been shown that mouse ovary hormone stimulation leads to manifestation of all OHSS symptoms: ovary swelling and hype
- PMID 25510097
Japanese Journal
- Use of Transvaginal Color Doppler Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of Ovarian Bleeding : A Report of 10 Cases
- The Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research 24(4), 247-250, 1998-08-01
- NAID 10015802877
- <Case Report>Leiomyomatosis in pelvic lymph nodes : case report and differential diagnoses
- OBANA Yasuro,FURUTA Itaru,YAMAZUMI Toshiaki,OHBA Yasuhiro,HASHIMOTO Shigeo,MISTUHASHI Yohji,NODA Kiichiroh
- Acta medica Kinki University 22(2), 193-196, 1997-06
- … The right ovary showed a serous cystadenoma, and the left ovary showed hemorrhagic corpus luteum. …
- NAID 110000007451
Related Links
- Best Answer: •Corpus luteum cyst: This type of functional ovarian cyst occurs after an egg has been released from a follicle. After this happens, the follicle becomes what is known as a corpus luteum. If a ...
- Helpful, trusted answers from doctors: Dr. Reyna on hemorrhagic corpus luteum: This is completely normal and will not require surgery except in the very rare... ... Rest and time: This is completely normal and will not require surgery ...
Related Pictures

![Hemorrhagic] Corpus Luteum Cyst???](https://1mg.info/0/7/f/2766.jpg)
- 英
- hemorrhagic corpus luteum HCL
- 関
- 卵巣出血
- 経腟エコー:嚢胞内部に網状エコー像が認められる。凝血塊と析出フィブリンによるものと考えられている
[show details]
- 関
- haemophilic、haemorrhagic、hemophilic
- 関
- corpuscle