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Look up grunt, grunting, or grunts in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Grunt or Grunts may refer to:
- a jug of 32 ounces of liquid, half a growler, (usually beer).
- a deep guttural sound
- death grunt, the death metal singing style
- "The Grunt", a 1970 instrumental recording by The J.B.'s
- Fobos-Grunt, a failed Russian mission to Phobos, one of the moons of Mars
- A food preparation similar to a cobbler
- A fish, Haemulidae
- 1 Military contexts
- 2 Games
- 3 Fiction
- 4 See also
Military contexts
- An infantryman, in military slang
- Grunt (G.I. Joe), a fictional character in the G.I. Joe universe
- Grunt (board wargame), a 1971 tactical wargame
- Gruntz, a 1999 puzzle/strategy game
Many games use the "simple soldier" meaning:
- A Warcraft orcish warrior
- The simplest unit in the video game Z
- The smallest enemy in the video game Metal Arms: Glitch in the System
- A class in the multiplayer mode of the video game Conker: Live & Reloaded
- An enemy in the Half-Life universe
- The weakest monster in Quake
- Grunt (Halo), an alien in the game Halo
- Grunt, Krogan squadmate in Mass Effect 2
- In the Pokemon games, especially in Pokemon Gold, Silver and Crystal versions, the main character battles Grunts, low-ranking members of Team Rocket
- Grunts!, a 1992 fantasy by Mary Gentle
- Grunts (film), a gay pornographic film
- Grunts (film), a 1983 Italian film featured in the movie Troll 2
See also
- Grunting (tennis), in tennis refers to the loud noise, sometimes described as "shrieking" or "screaming", made by some players during their strokes
- Grunt Records, a vanity label founded in 1971 by Jefferson Airplane and distributed by RCA Records.
- Grunt (software), the JavaScript Task Runner GruntJS
The grunts are a family, Haemulidae, of fishes in the order Perciformes.
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English Journal
- Predictors of hyperlactataemia among children presenting with malaria in a low transmission area in The Gambia.
- Bhaskaran K, Ebonyi AO, Walther B, Walther M.AbstractBACKGROUND: Hyperlactataemia and metabolic acidosis are important risk factors for malaria death, but measuring lactate at the point of care is not financially viable in many resource-poor settings. This study aimed to identify combinations of routinely available parameters that could identify children at high risk of hyperlactataemia.
- Malaria journal.Malar J.2013 Nov 15;12(1):423. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Hyperlactataemia and metabolic acidosis are important risk factors for malaria death, but measuring lactate at the point of care is not financially viable in many resource-poor settings. This study aimed to identify combinations of routinely available parameters that could identify child
- PMID 24237749
- Neonatal meningitis associated with osteomyelitis and epidural empyema.
- Vale B, Morais S, Resende C, Taborda A.SourceMaternidade Bissaya Barreto, Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal.
- BMJ case reports.BMJ Case Rep.2013 Aug 23;2013. pii: bcr2013009149. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2013-009149.
- Neonatal meningitis is a serious disease with significant mortality and morbidity. Its signs and symptoms are subtle, non-specific, atypical or absent. Cephalohaematoma is frequent in newborns and complications are uncommon, including local infection after haematogenous spread in the setting of bac
- PMID 23975909
- Positive predictive value of the infant respiratory distress syndrome diagnosis in the Danish National Patient Registry.
- Thygesen SK, Olsen M, Christian FC.SourceDepartment of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark.
- Clinical epidemiology.Clin Epidemiol.2013 Aug 12;5:295-8. doi: 10.2147/CLEP.S44408.
- BACKGROUND: Infant respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS) is the most common respiratory disease in preterm infants, and is associated with considerable morbidity and mortality. Valid data on IRDS are important in clinical epidemiological research.OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to estimat
- PMID 23976865
Japanese Journal
- 言語獲得に遅れがみられる子どもへのダイナミック・システムズ理論からみた支援
- 小山 正
- 音声言語医学 56(1), 12-19, 2015
- 表出言語の出現が著しく遅れている事例の言語獲得の予測において,ダイナミック・システムズ理論からのアプローチは有効であると考え,有意味語がなく,全体的な発達に遅れがある事例の縦断的資料を基に,統制パラメータが表象の発達である場合のその軌跡と他の変数との相乗作用を検討した.方法は,6歳1ヵ月から7歳5ヵ月までの発達支援場面のVTRを再生し,McCune(2008)が指摘するダイナミック変数に注目して分 …
- NAID 130005063253
- 新生児一過性多呼吸の発症因子の検討と早期診断への試み
- 福島 正大,前田 真治,芝 剛,吉村 真一郎,三木 直樹,山中 忠太郎,松村 正彦,南部 光彦
- 天理医学紀要 17(2), 67-71, 2014
- 背景: 新生児一過性多呼吸 (transient tachypnea of the newborn; TTN) は, 新生児におけるもっとも一般的な呼吸障害の一つであり, その発症因子として, 帝王切開分娩, 男児, 早産などが挙げられている. 今回, 当院の出生児を対象に, TTNの早期診断への試みとして, その発症因子の検討を行った.方法: 2012年4月から 2013年3月までの間に, 当 …
- NAID 130004940435
- Tetsuya SAKAMAKI
- African study monographs 32(1), 25-41, 2011-04-28
- … Adult females did not express their support for a particular male by pant–grunting during the study period, probably because the dominance rank among adult males was stable. … Rather than checking tolerance at the time, maintaining relations with adult males by pant–grunting was more essential for adult females. …
- NAID 110008429825
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- grunting Etymology: ME, grunten abnormal, short, deep, hoarse sounds in exhalation that often accompany severe chest pain. The grunt occurs because the glottis briefly stops the flow of air, halting the movement of the lungs and ...
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- 日
- しんぎん
- 英
- grunting, moaning
- 同
- うめき
- 関
- 呼気性呻吟、喉音発生
- 新生児で呼吸不全の際のうめき声
- 呼気時に短く低い音として聴取され、小さな鳴き声と間違えられることがある。
- 声門が部分的に閉鎖した状態で呼気をした場合に生じる。
- 自己でPEEPをかけ(呼気時の気道内圧を陽圧に維持し)て末梢気道や肺胞嚢の開存を維持するためになされるとされる。
- 原因
- 肺疾患:肺炎、肺挫傷、急性呼吸窮迫症候群
- 心疾患:鬱血心不全による肺水腫
- 腹部疾患:疼痛に伴う反応(腸閉塞、内造船工、虫垂炎、腹膜炎)
- 英
- grunting
- 関
- 呻吟