- having no prospect or hope of a future
- yet to be or coming; "some future historian will evaluate him"
- the time yet to come (同)hereafter, futurity, time to come
- bulk commodities bought or sold at an agreed price for delivery at a specified future date
- a verb tense that expresses actions or states in the future (同)future_tense
- (of elected officers) elected but not yet serving; "our next president" (同)next, succeeding
- a verb tense or other formation referring to events or states that have not yet happened; "future auxiliary"
- effective in or looking toward the future; "he was preparing for future employment opportunities"
- 望みのない,将来性のない
- 〈U〉〈C〉『未来』,将来 / 〈C〉将来の可能性,(有望な)将来性 / 《the ~》(文法で)未来時制,未来形 / 《複数形で》先物[契約] / 『未来の』,将来 / (文法で)未来の,未来形の
English Journal
- [Development of a measurement of stress for hospitalized schizophrenic patient].
- Park SA1, Sung KM2.
- Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.J Korean Acad Nurs.2014 Jun;44(3):339-49. doi: 10.4040/jkan.2014.44.3.339.
- PURPOSE: This study was done to develop a measurement for stress experienced by patients with schizophrenia during hospitalization.METHODS: The preliminary tool was developed through in-depth interviews and a validity verification test of content. For data collection, 15 inpatients with schizophreni
- PMID 25060112
- [Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker - supporter of the concept of the East German movement in favor of self-organization during the political turning point 1989/90].
- Gebhardt G.
- Acta historica Leopoldina.Acta Hist Leopoldina.2014;(63):449-62.
- The luminosity of Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker's holistic thinking in the former German Democratic Republic (DDR) is reviewed. Broad-minded academics sought, in accordance with the modern paradigm of self-organization, beyond the ideological template for ways out of the dead end of incrustations o
- PMID 24974617
- 'Futureless persons': shifting life expectancies and the vicissitudes of progressive illness.
- Gibson BE1, Zitzelsberger H, McKeever P.
- Sociology of health & illness.Sociol Health Illn.2009 May;31(4):554-68. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9566.2008.01151.x.
- Medical technological advances can have profound effects on people's lives by extending the life course and creating uncertain futures. This is the case for a number of persons with 'diseases of childhood' who can now survive well into adulthood with technological support. This paper draws on a Cana
- PMID 19220805
Japanese Journal
- Contemporary Discourses on Agriculture in Japan: From Futureless 3K to Sophisticated Future Lifestyle in LOHAS, Living in Rural Areas, and Hanno Han-x
- 早稲田大学大学院文学研究科紀要. 第4分冊, 日本史学 東洋史学 西洋史学 考古学 文化人類学 日本語日本文化 アジア地域文化学 59, 111-121, 2014-02-26
- NAID 120005430680
- Contemporary Discourses on Agriculture in Japan : From Futureless 3K to Sophisticated Future Lifestyle in LOHAS, Living in Rural Areas, and Hanno Han-x
- 顔のない人物の幻視を訴え possible DLB と診断された4症例
- 総合病院精神医学 = Japanese journal of general hospital psychiatry 18(3), 263-267, 2006-09-15
- NAID 10018361110
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- 未来、将来、行く末
- (the Future)来世
- 将来性、前途、成算
- (文法)未来時制(future tense)、未来形
- 未来の、将来の、今後の。来世の。(文法)未来の/未来時制の
- 関
- forecasting, hereafter, in future, prospective
- futureless、futurelessness