- 怖がらせる、ぎょっとさせる、脅してさせる、脅して出す、脅してやめさせる、脅して追い立てる
- drive out by frightening
- cause fear in; "The stranger who hangs around the building frightens me"; "Ghosts could never affright her" (同)fright, scare, affright
- in an alarming manner; "the disturbing thing about the Ministers behavior is that far from being artificial, it too often rings frighteningly true" (同)scarily
- not affected by fright
- made afraid; "the frightened child cowered in the corner"; "too shocked and scared to move" (同)scared
- (突然)…‘を'ひどく驚かせる,おびえさせる / ひどく怖がる,おびえる
- 〈U〉〈C〉(突然の激しい)恐怖,驚き / 〈C〉《話》ぞっとするほど醜い(異様な)人(物)
- ぎょっとさせる,恐ろしい
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English Journal
- A qualitative study of cancer survivors' responses to information on the long-term and late effects of pelvic radiotherapy 1-11 years post treatment.
- Boulton M1, Adams E2, Horne A3, Durrant L3, Rose P4, Watson E1.
- European journal of cancer care.Eur J Cancer Care (Engl).2015 Jul 22. doi: 10.1111/ecc.12356. [Epub ahead of print]
- As more patients survive cancer for longer term, the long-term and late effects of treatments become increasingly important issues for cancer survivors and providing information to enable survivors to recognise and manage them becomes an increasingly pressing challenge for health care professionals.
- PMID 26202602
- Caring touch - patients' experiences in an anthroposophic clinical context.
- Ozolins LL1, Hörberg U1, Dahlberg K1.
- Scandinavian journal of caring sciences.Scand J Caring Sci.2015 Jul 14. doi: 10.1111/scs.12242. [Epub ahead of print]
- This study describes the phenomenon of caring touch from the patients' perspective in an anthroposophic clinical context where caring touch is often used to promote health and alleviate suffering. The aim of the study was to explore and phenomenologically describe the phenomenon of caring touch from
- PMID 26178972
- Special issue: redox active natural products and their interaction with cellular signalling pathways.
- Jacob C1.
- Molecules (Basel, Switzerland).Molecules.2014 Nov 26;19(12):19588-93. doi: 10.3390/molecules191219588.
- During the last decade, research into natural products has experienced a certain renaissance. The urgent need for more and more effective antibiotics in medicine, the demand for ecologically friendly plant protectants in agriculture, "natural" cosmetics and the issue of a sustainable and healthy nut
- PMID 25432010
- Personal Beliefs about Experiences in those at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis.
- Stowkowy J1, Perkins DO2, Woods SW3, Nyman K1, Addington J1.
- Behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy.Behav Cogn Psychother.2014 Jun 20:1-7. [Epub ahead of print]
- Background: Negative beliefs about illness in early psychosis have been shown to have an unfavourable impact on one's quality of life. A shift of focus in psychosis research has been on the detection of individuals considered to be at clinical high risk (CHR) of developing psychosis. Little is known
- PMID 24949991
Japanese Journal
- Frighten トヨタを猛追するホンダの勢い--開発、生産、販売で見えてきた強み弱みの徹底比較
- エイズをめぐるバイオエシックス(第 5 回学術大会発表原著)
- 星野 一正
- 生命倫理 4(2), 111-114, 1994-10-20
- 十数年前には存在しなかった新しい病気であるエイズは、ヒト免疫不全ウイルス(HIV)の感染後、長期間の潜伏期を経て発病すると、現在治癒に導く治療法がない致死的疾患であり、色々の面で特殊な存在である。感染を恐れる社会から患者が差別されやすいので、病気についての正しい知識やエイズを予防する普遍的予防法の普及啓蒙ならびにエイズ・カウンセリングの必要性などについて述べ、医学的特性に基づいたエイズをめぐる諸問 …
- NAID 110001238435
- 八重山群島西表島におけるイノシシ猟の生態人類学的研究
- 今井 一郎
- 民族學研究 45(1), 1-31, 1980-06-30
- … Short patrol cycles within 1 or 2 days frighten the wild boars away from the range. …
- NAID 110001101143
Related Links
- Synonyms 1. shock, startle, dismay, intimidate. Frighten, alarm, scare, terrify, terrorize, appall all mean to arouse fear in people or animals. To frighten is to shock with sudden, startling, but usually short-lived fear, especially that ...
- frightenとは。意味や和訳。[動](他)1 …をぎょっと[ぞっと]させる, おびえさせるDont frighten the horses.馬をおびえさせるな.2 [III[名]([副])]〈人・動物を〉おどして追い払う((away, off));〈人を〉おどして(…を)させる((into ...
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- 関
- fear、horror、phobia